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sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2022

BRAZIL: bolsonaro THE DEVIL'S CHOICE part 10

  bolsonaro  THE DEVIL'S CHOICE part 10

Marina da Silva

*This is a fictional story, any resemblance to real life could be purely coincidental... and blah, blah, blah, Lula lulá...

And it was like this...


After the satan private movie session with his main generals from the General Staff of the Archdevil Forces, which lasted a nanosecond on Earth's clock, Lucifer decided out of the middle of nowhere to invite the idiotic clumsy little devil to a party in his incandescent lava jacuzzi, one of satanic millionaire lush spaces. Which left the archdevil militia of the General Staff of the diabolical forces tearing their assholes with their nails, covered in hatred for not being invited to the Capiroto's party. But the truth is that  the Capiroto smelled danger in that little devil, any evil arch-plan of his envious and treacherous arch-demons to dethrone him in the tragic mold of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus and Macabeth1. And the mistrust came to the bad thing because when checking the clothes worn by the damned devil he discovered that they were authentic, from famous brands, nec plus ultra, the Best and not life style $ 1.99 pirated as alleged. The Damned dog, Satan doesn't sleep in his cap and spends his time planning and applying cruel punishments!

The great devil held that feast for three days or less and seventy-five years passed here on earth; a new world and there is a "Post-Modern Condition"2 where the new transport and information technologies have forever altered the perception of time and space where the maxim "Everything that is solid melts into air"3 has really crystallized.

You may even find it impossible for someone to update seventy-five years in a nanosecond, but don't forget that we are talking about the devil, the capiroto, satan. Nothing impressed him much, everything was predictable, because satan knows that the greatest gift given to humans by God is the capacity to put all of their potentialities into motion, freely, and creative thought or reason is just one of them to solve the human problems that arise along the process of creation of human sociability known as civilization. Human beings approach nature and other beings, appropriate, transform the world, society and themselves in a single process where reason, thinking, is a moment of creation, says Karl Marx. A complex social process that many restrict to the world of Platonic ideas, a highly normal fact that allows the exploitation and imprisonment of essential human forces.4 Satan loves this, and that too and this human need to be Unique, to stand out as a Genius and not just another one among the cattle, whoops, undifferentiated crowd. Of course, the devil is completely mistaken if he thinks that God has forgotten this particularity. He, God, just made complex human beings, where, as social beings, humans are both individuals and gender at the same time.5

Satan hates God for this phenomenal move of "equality in diversity", of individuality in the mass of humans and always bets on the strongest and smartest who should stand out from the species, from the flock of sheep and be their own God, because they belong to a group select and superior, which brings the capiroto closer to Darwin6 and evolutionary theorists than to Marx. Satan walked pari passu with this thought of a superior race back in the 19th century, he fulfilled all the wishes of racists, xenophobes, anti-Semitists, homophobes, and defenders of political-economic-social-racial apartheid and the conduction of the world by the "chosen ones", or in the words of Machiavelli: those who want power, control and domination of wealth, politics and violence, that is, those who own wealth. See the author's practical manual: O Príncipe.7

Satan knew everything about everything and was only interested in the group of super billionaires of the 21st century who, even without direct help from the capiroto, created a world domination plan for a select group of multi-millionaires, a minarchy-plutocratic-authoritarian-armament- libertarian-conservative-and-anarchic, whatever the fuck this is (I always notice contradiction of terms and antithetical anacoluth paradoxes in this self-designation of liberals). For such an endeavor that they do not even agree on in name, these thinkers, theorists, economists and free market supporters organized a radical society for capitalism in Mont Pélerin, Switzerland8 and outlined their action strategies that became what we now call neoliberalism and globalization (that is, one thing is one thing and another thing is another thing and both are part of the same complex process of capitalist expansion). This group began to ponder, oops, work intensely to destroy the state and especially the socialist/communist state, the Welfare State and its mockery here and there. The weapons? Psychologization of the human masses, read educating the people to get by in their thirties without asking the State for help/alms. Creating a school without a party9 is the same as persecuting and even killing teachers and banning from schools (kindergarten, prezinho, basic education, secondary education, technical education, universities) ideas of collectivism, socialism, equality, fraternity, liberté, collaboration, sharing, cooperation, friendship, #weareallcompetitors.

And yet: universal human rights, minority rights, tolerance, love, division and distribution of wealth, etc., in short, these socialist, leftist things; communism; state for poor and workers;

  went further with the falsification of the theology of Christ and the option for everyone living in common and sharing goods with joy for the theology of prosperity (anything goes for money, Pentecostal neo-evangelism in the style of edir macedo and silas malafaia, great evangelical pastors from Brazil)10 through competition dividing humans into winners and losers; subversion of moral and ethical values, of virtues; apology for addictions, highlighting anger, hatred, rage, resentment, lies, fake news, envy, greed, lust, theft, corruption of character, etc and such as well. The first phase or first wave made use and abuse of Nazi Goebbels-style propaganda: indoctrination.11

Of these first-line "soldiers" of the first Movement and Theorie12 neoliberal indoctrinator of the first wave, the following stand out: Mises, F. Haeyk, Milton Friedman, the "let's break everything" Murray Rotbarth and the Conservative Lord Barry Goldwater, concerned with leveling and balancing The Conscience of the Conservative.13 Laissez-faire economic liberalism, also known as savage capitalism, ops, capitalism, went into decline in the first decades of the 20th century: World War I (1914-1918), the Russian Revolution (1917), the plague Influenza or Spanish flu (1918), the financial system crash (crash of the New York stock exchange -1929), the New deal of 1933 or Roosevelt's interventionist agreement in the conduct of economic affairs and blah, blah; the Second World War (1939-1945); about 65 million dead (six million in the Jewish Holocaust alone); destruction of Europe, two atomic bombs over Japan even after surrender and seal of Peace. It's not little shit no!

The option left to the radicals for capitalism was to stick their tail between their legs and start a new plan for domination of the planet. What comes into play from the 1970s onwards, in Chile, under the bloodthirsty dictatorship of the dictator Augusto Pinochet, who opened his legs for the "Washington Consensus" in 1973. Although radical and living for many years, these neoliberal-conservative- anarchist libertarians didn't have what satan has: immortality! But they left the neoliberal recipe with the "Chicago School" that has since applied the neoliberal remedy to the world with the help of the IMF - International Monetary Fund. Everything was fine if it weren't for: the financial speculations from the mid-eighties, nineties (deliberately created by Wall Street speculators), the September 11, 2001 attack that showed the world that the superpower USA was not untouchable and the 2008 financial crisis or "subprime" crisis14 with its epicenter in the United States and which spread to Europe in 2011, destroying the economy of several countries such as Italy, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Greece and promoting a very high concentration of wealth in the 1% billionaires .

This provoked a turn to the left in several countries, especially in the North American backyard, the Americas and high distrust and disillusionment against politicians and politics. In Brazil, the PT trade unionist - Workers' Party, Luis Inácio Lula da Silva is elected president for 2 terms (2003-2009) and reelects Dilma Rousseff for two more terms (2010-2014; 2015-2018, the latter being usurped in a coup of State with a lot of help from the US government)15. In the United States, a black man is elected president of the White House for two terms, the super Barack Obama 2009-2016.

The red turn in the Americas lit the high alert of radicals for capitalism who entered the field, now known as cyberspace and stole the ball and the result of the electoral game in frauds and fake news. It is the second moment of neoliberalism, or wave II, now going by the name of anarcho-liberalism or anarchic neoliberal libertarian libertarianism. The radicals' plan has solid foundations in the terrorist Rotbarth: DESTROY THE STATE USING DEMOCRACY16 and build it all over again with psychological-logistical-strategic support from the information technology industry and from scientists and data analysts. Private, personal data of citizens is currently more valuable than oil or drug trafficking.17

An idea never dies, says Mises, a follower and theorist of utilitarian marginal subjectivist economics from the Austrian school of economics. The truth is that satan knew very well about this group and their followers, who created nothing new in terms of economic science, just led the life of a nawab in consumerism fighting the "good capetalist fight" oops, capitalist, that is, with little variation of theme they quarreled on how to destroy any idea of regulation, state intervention, planning, collectivism, democracy, welfare state for all, and everything that opposes the development in a geometric scale and constant and always of the production system known as capitalism .

An endless and direct lelê and blah blah blah shaping minds: The state is the enemy; the state is the great demon, the state does not solve the problem, the state only creates problems; the state is my enemy; state intervention leads to communism; Anyone who supports the State by helping the poor is a social parasite, any action by the State in public policies aimed at the poor leads to communism; the state is not the father of the poor; the state robs you of your freedom to do whatever you want with your money, even if the money is not yours and you are just gambling, speculating on the stock exchange and robbing your customers as stated in the History of all speculative crises since 1929, 1986, 1997 , 2008, for example.18 Who has never heard of capitalism fanatics without even knowing what the capitalist production system is, mainly in private schools and pre-college preparatory courses, today pre-Enem: "Whoever is on your side wants your vacancy at the university or public tender! It's competition, all are competitors and opponents competing for a vacancy at USP, UERJ, UFMG, MPF, STF, AGU etc? Throw the first stone!


The Second Neoliberal Movement or The Movement without theory19 only literal attack: the motto is to occupy the state, resist and destroy it using the weapons of the left, democracy, the vote to build a minarchia-plutocracy-libertarian and blah or government of billionaires . The 21st century belongs to Mises! This was satan's chat with the clumsy little devil who arrived at the capiroto's swimming pool wearing Ray ban glasses, legitimate gold Havaianas, which do not deform or loosen the straps, shorts, towel, toiletry bag and perfume Dolce and Gabbana, Dior, Lacroix , Chanel N.5, iphone 12s, Apple gold. Satan was F * of life with all that ostentation of the scoundrel and was just on the prowl and giving the devil a rope to hang himself.

"All this stuff - satan pointing at the parts, cell phone - is that fake $1.99 made in China my dear? Where did you dig this luxury?"

A hot sweat rose from the goat's feet to the little devil's head.

"Is my existence in jeopardy O high infernal highness?" The trembling beast.


"Evil master of evil, I won't even tell you! I found a wonderful place, plus blaster, to get the best there is in the human world. Check this site out here!"

You might even think that satan pulverized the existence of the little devil, but the damned dog has the word like the bankers of the animal game. You bet, you won, you can go get your dindin, capilé, l'argent at the bank. Jogo-do-bicho is the coolest illegal game that exists! You were freaked out, beige right my dear? It's organized crime. Let's go back to satan's chat...

"The truth, malevolent master, is that the liberal-minarchists-anarchists-libertarians, despite accepting anarchy, did not swallow a black man as president of the United States of America. And they decided to go for all or nothing using the phenomenal power of the new technologies of information, artificial intelligence, which in practice dispenses leaders or billionaires from being intelligent. Just put geniuses to work for them. Money buys everything, right? They used the company Cambridge Analytica and that cute girl who was so naughty and evil to help tyrannical governments committing genocide, rigging elections, inciting hatred, violence, attacks."20

"Yeah yeah! And what do I have to do with it?"21 snarled impatient satan with this snotty anarchist liberalism.

"O most maleficent malevolent, these men are yours, they are drooling hatred and venom and with desires of instant power Miojo22 to hasten the destruction of nations and create the "Brave New World" free from the State and human rabble, the little sheep beloved of God and I sort of took a gamble on the most ignominious, abject, violent, cruel and sociopathic in your most maleficent name Your Highness, taking advice from one of them back in the first neoliberal wave: F. Hayek in the guide to total state destruction The Road to Serfdom". By the way, a $1.99 work that doesn't even come close to Machiavelli, who had a lot of class and little nobility. I took the liberty of complying with the wishes of these powerful ones in your name, most high highness, most cruelly malefic. I blew in his ears: Go for it!"

Satan burst out laughing. "Really this little devil fell into my misfortunes!" But he quickly composed himself:

"If it was of such importance to my hellish realm why didn't you fucking get in touch with me right away?" Satan tightening the grip...

"Huh? Since when could a disqualified and clumsy devil like myself be able to interrupt the great master, his most demonic highness and most infernal devil without being called? I feared that your highness would pulverize me from hell and finish off my person before I opened my mouth. " Confessed Mr. Devil in the simplest terms and with that face of a stray dog that's done shit in the house.

Satan was compelled to agree.

"Two presidents, Highness of Hell, I handpicked, oops, thinking of your evil finger mastery super hyper mega plus blaster evil boss!"

"I approved and even liked this. Donald Trump23 and Bolsonaro, two sociopaths I want here with me at the right time. I'm going to cook them a little more on Earth. Two phenomenal geopolitical and geoeconomic disasters!"

"I also think that super master of evil, they dream of the Third World War, with the Fourth... like a "Catch fire cabaret!"

"Come here my little Mean - Satan facing the little idiot - How did you guess that I would choose these two crooks for president of the United States and Brazil?"

"Evil master, I have always followed your choices since Eve and Adam".


The bad-thing, damned dog, satan hissed just like Kaa, the sneaky serpent from Mowgli.24

"And in the United States this republican party has always been famous for making terrible choices as your malignity appreciates: the Bushes, father and son, for example, waged wars and more wars. That operation Desert Storm25 buried Iraqi soldiers alive, mercilessly no pity; in long-distance actions they always kill civilians who don't even know why their country is at war; and there was even that very suspicious attack on September 11, 2001. At the last minute, the republicans chose a bankrupt billionaire, The Apprentice Donald Trump, arrogant, vain, sociopathic and who has already paved his way straight to you little master, oops, super master of Hell."

"Afff! This little devil wears Prada and lives next door, he's a stalker, a voyeur, a pervert! I hated it." Satan thinking to himself. "But what about Brazil? Why did I choose with your finger, Bolsonaro? Asked Satan.

"Wow guys? God is Brazilian and Christ is there in Rio de Janeiro and everywhere with open arms! Fuck God the Father and God the Son!"

"Really creature, betting on Bolsonaro is a Chinese business!" The capiroto rejoiced, completing in his mind: "The great capitalist red dragon is going to throw me in my lap. And, in addition, it is going to make The divine very upset."

"Change the channel to Globo China so we can follow the elections in the United States!"

At this, the archdevils arrived carrying KFC, lots of fries, soda and infernal drinks.

"No one shares food!" He shouted the little devil.

"A song boss, oops, evil maleficent master highness?

(does not continue... will this be the end?)


1. SHAKESPEARE.  THE COMPLETE COLLETION [The complete works based on the 1974 Riverside Edition]. TRAGEDIES: Titus Andronicus; Macabeth

2. HARVEY, David. Condição Pós-Moderna. São Paulo: edições Loyola, 1992.

3. MARX, K; ENGELS, F. Manifesto Comunista


5. SILVA, Marina da. 


7. MAQUIAVEL, N. O Príncipe

8. ANDERSON, Perry. Balanço do Neoliberalismo.(In SADER, Emir & GENTILI, Pablo (orgs.) Pós-neoliberalismo: as políticas sociais e o Estado democrático. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1995, p. 9-23. "Comecemos com as origens do que se pode definir como neoliberalismo enquanto fenômeno distinto do simples liberalismo clássico, do século passado. O neoliberalismo nasceu logo depois da II Guerra Mundial, na região da Europa e da América do Norte onde imperava o capitalismo. Foi uma reação teórica e política veemente contra o Estado intervencionista e de bem-estar. Seu texto de origem é O Caminho da Servidão, de Friedrich Hayek, escrito já em 1944. Trata-se de um ataque apaixonado contra qualquer limitação dos mecanismos de mercado por parte do Estado, denunciada como uma ameaça letal à liberdade, não somente econômica, mas também política. O alvo imediato de Hayek, naquele momento, era o Partido Trabalhista inglês, às vésperas da eleição geral de 1945 na Inglaterra, que este partido efetivamente venceria. A mensagem de Hayek é drástica: “Apesar de suas boas intenções, a social-democracia moderada inglesa conduz ao mesmo desastre que o nazismo alemão – uma servidão moderna”. Comecemos com as origens do que se pode definir como neoliberalismo enquanto fenômeno distinto do simples liberalismo clássico, do século passado. O neoliberalismo nasceu logo depois da II Guerra Mundial, na região da Europa e da América do Norte onde imperava o capitalismo. Foi uma reação teórica e política veemente contra o Estado intervencionista e de bem-estar. Seu texto de origem é O Caminho da Servidão, de Friedrich Hayek, escrito já em 1944. Trata-se de um ataque apaixonado contra qualquer limitação dos mecanismos de mercado por parte do Estado, denunciada como uma ameaça letal à liberdade, não somente econômica, mas também política. O alvo imediato de Hayek, naquele momento, era o Partido Trabalhista inglês, às vésperas da eleição geral de 1945 na Inglaterra, que este partido efetivamente venceria. A mensagem de Hayek é drástica: “Apesar de suas boas intenções, a social-democracia moderada inglesa conduz ao mesmo desastre que o nazismo alemão – uma servidão moderna”.

9. Leia aqui no blog sobre escola sem partido. ESCOLINHA DO PROFESSOR RAIMUNDO

10. Sobre a apropriação da doutrina de Jesus Cristo e sua falsificação e uso político em nome do capitalismo ver o FILME- documentário  A FAMÍLIA

11. Sobre Goebbels ver: Segunda Guerra Mundial em cores; Arquitetura da destruição

12. DOHERTY, Brian.  RADICALS FOR CAPITALISM. A freewheeling History the Modern American Libertarian Moviment. New York :Public Affair. E-book

13. GOLDWATER, Barry M. Conscience of a Conservative. Copyright by Stellar Books. 2013.

14. Sobre a crise "subprime" de 2008 ver: The big short; A LAVANDERIA

15. Sobre a armação do golpe de estado contra a presidenta Dilma Rousseff e as fraudes na eleição de 2018 assistir os documentários: Snowden;  O GRANDE HACK e INTERCEPT: A FARSA VAZA-JATO

16.  DOHERTY, Brian.  RADICALS FOR CAPITALISM. A freewheeling History the Modern American Libertarian Moviment. New York :Public Affair. E-book

17. Sobre o assunto assistir: THE SOCIAL DILEMMA ou O dilema das redes. Documentário

18. Sobre crises especulativas financeiras ver: crise de 1929; Crise de 1985-86 O LOBO DE WALL STREET; 2008 THE BIG SHORT;

19. Sobre THE MOVIMENT ver: Como Stephen Bannon ganhou milhões e ajudou Trump a vencer; OS SOCIOPATAS DA CASA BRANCA ESTÃO LEVANDO O PAÍS A DESTRUIÇÃO; THE MOVIMENT  A segunda onda neoliberal, agora atendendo pelo nome anarquistas-libertarianos muito ligada aos ensinamentos terroristas, ops, radicais pelo capitalismo de Murray Rotbarth veio com tudo depois da eleição de Obama para presidente dos EUA, um negro na Casa Branca. Agora não tem mais conversa e sim fake news, uso das redes sociais, da inteligência artificial para destruir o Estado ( hostilizar, quebrar, usar a baixeza e sujeira política, usar o ódio e a mentira como arma política). 2010 é o marco da revolta libertariana anarquista que prega armamentismo, nacionalismo, xenofobia, misoginia,  nazismo, racismo, homofobia, trans-fobia, ataques contra partidos de esquerda, às minorias indígenas, aos imigrantes ilegais, transformar a terra num inferno.   Em 2016 Steve Bannon, investidor, especulador, mentor e suporte da revolta cria THE MOVIMENT.

20. Sobre a empresa Cambridge Analytica ver: O grande hack

21.  Brasil: E o Kico ou Kiko? É uma gíria para as perguntas: o que eu ganho com isto? O que eu tenho a ver com isto?

22. Miojo é uma marca de macarrão pré-cozido e leva menos de três minutos para ficar pronto.

23. Sobre o presidente D. Trump assitir documentário: TRUM AN AMEREICAN DREAM  E GET ME ROGER STONE

24. Mogli , o menino lobo

25. Sobre o assunto ver: A GUERRA DO GOLFE

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