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quinta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2019


Marina da Silva
Nunca falar com estranho.
Então estranha quando ele lhe abordou.
Estranha a pergunta que lhe fez atravessando o sinal fechado.
Estranha ainda mais ela respondendo no canteiro central da avenida.
Sorriu. Sorriu também.
Estranho jeito de se aproximar de alguém
Que rejeitou por anos qualquer aproximação
Estranha de estranhos.
Respondeu educada ao estranho
Que claramente lhe passava uma cantada démodé
E por tal, mais estranha ainda na era dos crushes, ficantes, peguetes.
Estranho pedido de encontro insistente.
Anotou o celular com intenção de não ligar.
Mas ligou.
Foi ao encontro do estranho esperando  encontrar um serial killer
Agora ela é a estranha porque teme um "BTK".
Anda assistindo demais investigações criminais...
Foi ao encontro, campo neutro, estranhamente temendo uma cilada
Estranha a mesma precaução dele, que fingiu esquecer o lugar
Num badalado ponto turístico da cidade.
Chegou fazendo caminhos estranhos
Mais estranho ainda gostou do seu cheiro, do tênis Nike, da camisa Dudalina lilás e do jeans rasgado
Um homem de etiquetas aficionado em brechós.
Estranho gostar de outra boca, outro cheiro, outras carícias.
Estranho gostar dos abraços e dos seus corpos colados.
Sem chocolates, sem flores, sem bicho de pelúcia.
E achou muito estranho a recusa em pagar a cerveja e rachar o motel xap-xap.
Estranho gostar de outras pernas nas suas pernas
Outro sexo no seu sexo e gozar.
Estranhou muito a performance e o ego inflado de Viagra.
"Alta auto-estima é tudo"! Mas precisa ser intergalática?
Um começo estranho e coisa esquisita
Ainda o sente um estranho mesmo após muitos encontros.
Estranho o celular anos Oitenta e mais estranho ainda um homem desconectado: sem Twitter, What'sApp, Instagram e Facebook.
Estranhas explicações torna tudo mais estranho ainda e ela suspeita
Do "Estranho que me quer" sem realidade virtual e fictício no mundo real.
Bem-me-quer mal-me-quer
Desfolhou pétalas por pétalas margaridas imaginárias
E Gif* compacto de mal-me-quer.
Estranhou muito quando ele disse a palavra "bodas"
E ela respondeu num meme: eu de você não sei nada !
Chegou-lhe do meio do nada, viúvo sem filhos, só no mundo e não permite fotos postadas...
Nada de documentos, nada de fotos, nada, nada vezes nada.
Desconfiou do acaso, um flerte na rua no início da tarde.
Desconfiou das intenções primeiras cheias de segundas intenções.
Um estranho mal intencionado fez-lhe perder o olfato, paladar, tato
Desgostou do seu cheiro, do beijo, do corpo. Do sexo performático teve medo, muito profissional.
Tudo se tornou muito estranho.
Afinal é difícil para ela gostar de um estranho
Mas possível, mesmo que estranhamente fora do ciberespaço.
Impossível é viver com uma incógnita.
E aquele estranhamento bom do novo
De dar chances a um estranho
Virou tédio, enfado, desencanto.
Estranha ter durado tanto...
Estranha mais ainda não ter criado laços fortes nos beijos, abraços, carícias e cheiro e orgasmos.
Estranho não estar dando a mínima importância
Para o estranhamento que virou aquele ficar estranho.
Estranha mais ainda ele insistir ficar com ela estranhamente fria, gélida, apática.
Estranha insistência mesmo sabendo que ela lhe bloqueou no celular
Que mande dizer que não está
Que mudou para Nárnia, foi para Marte
Fugindo de homens estranhos sem lenço nem documentos nem nome
Que querem apenas uma mulher para usar.

segunda-feira, 28 de outubro de 2019


A FORÇA FEMININA   Republicando desde 2010  Yes, nós podemos!

Marina da Silva

A intensificação do uso da mão-de-obra feminina, que hoje[2010 Brasil] em vários países já é 50% da PEA (População Economicamente Ativa), incluso o Brasil, e em alguns casos supera o trabalho masculino (Inglaterra) é um fenômeno extremamente importante que vem se desenhando desde as últimas décadas do século passado e fortalecendo-se a cada dia neste século XXI. Qual é o significado disso na atual fase de acumulação de capitais, da reestruturação produtiva, do uso de tecnologias economizadoras de trabalho-vivo, da dispersão geográfica da produção, das altas taxas de desemprego estrutural, da expansão sem precedentes do trabalho precário (terceirizado, sub-contratado, temporário, part-time ou parcial, do trabalho informal, do empreendedorismo social/laranjização (trabalhadores metamorfoseados em empresa), do recrudescimento do trabalho escravo)? . Eu sou  melhor...

Análises superficiais do processo da feminização do mercado de trabalho podem inadvertidamente gerar equívocos sobre a intensificação do uso do trabalho feminino atual e confundi-lo com mais um modismo ou pior, tratá-lo como revanchismo feminista - seja lá o que se entenda por isto - contra os homens! Explicações que aventarem tais hipóteses são meros achismos e devem ser rechaçadas com veemência: não é uma coisa nem outra e menos ainda uma revolta silicone.
Homens e mulheres sempre trabalharam desde que desceram das árvores, ocuparam cavernas, lascaram e poliram pedras, descobriram o fogo, inventaram a roda, a cerâmica, a siderurgia, a agricultura, “a família, a propriedade privada, o estado”.
Não é necessário um recuo temporal longínquo para acompanharmos o processo sócio-histórico da divisão do trabalho (social, sexual) na produção da vida humana. Mas é imprescindível apreender como se dá o fenômeno da incorporação da mulher no mundo do trabalho dentro da lógica do modo de produção capitalista. Com o advento da manufatura e o desenvolvimento da indústria moderna – as primeiras máquinas datam do final do séc. XVIII – a utilização da mão-de-obra feminina, dos jovens e crianças tornou-se um dos mais fortes sustentáculos da acumulação capitalista (extração de mais-valia absoluta), isto porque, essa incorporação se dá de forma desigual e degradada. 8% dos operários da construção civil são mulheres."Que salto alto, maquiagem glamorosa, roupa estilosa, que nada... a moda feminina agora é macacão, cimento, poeira, barulho e muito, mais muito quebra-quebra".

Desta forma o capitalismo não só aumenta a exploração e opressão econômica sobre homens e mulheres como o faz de forma intensa sobre mulheres, jovens e crianças e com o tempo criando uma beligerância crônica entre os sexos, acirrando cada vez mais a competição entre os gêneros.
Destinadas às condições e relações de trabalho mais precárias, recebendo salários menores do que os homens, as mulheres ainda são usadas para o rebaixamento da renda masculina e ambos acabam enredados e emparedados no discurso alienante e deplorável da “guerra dos sexos” que justifica maior precarização, desigualdade de direitos, encobrindo uma exploração predatória do trabalho dos mesmos. É o que vem acontecendo nas duas últimas décadas (anos 90/2000).  Pereirão, personagem de Lilia Cabral na novela Fina estampa.

As mulheres estão tomando o trabalho dos homens, invadindo o mercado, dominando o mundo! Propala a mídia. A quem serve este discurso? Aos trabalhadores e trabalhadoras ou àqueles que exploram o trabalho de homens e mulheres pagando cada vez menos por ele? No Brasil, onde termos como subdesenvolvimento, terceiro mundo, país pobre hoje só se aplica às disputas eleitoreiras, uma vez que há algum tempo figuramos entre as maiores economias do planeta - PIB acima de US$ trilhões, Fundo soberano (poupança em dólares) e mega reservas petrolíferas e de gás natural, citando apenas algumas de nossas riquezas - o trabalho feminino sofre com a desigualdade de gênero e de raça (cor da pele). Dados da OIT (Org. Internacional do Trabalho) denunciam que aqui a renda das mulheres brancas, no mesmo nível de escolaridade, é 21% menor em relação aos homens; que trabalhadores(as) negros têm renda 50% menor que os brancos (homens e mulheres); e a renda das trabalhadoras negras é 61% menor do que a renda dos homens brancos.
A inferiorização do emprego da mulher e a exacerbação da competição entre os sexos vêm ganhando força desde o período conhecido como terceira revolução tecnológica e globalização que transformou drasticamente as formas de produção, o gerenciamento, as relações de trabalho enfraquecendo a resistência dos trabalhadores organizados. E neste contexto de altos índices de desemprego, da crescente informalidade, da queda de renda dos trabalhadores, da perda de direitos sociais historicamente conquistados com lutas e mortes que se deu a dominação feminina do mundo.
 Igualdade de direitos e emancipação de mulheres e homens, via trabalho, caso não se efetivem políticas públicas sérias de empregos remunerados decentemente para ambos, não importando se preto, branco, verde ou amarelo, não passará de meta para um milênio...ou mais! 

domingo, 27 de outubro de 2019


Hello people, forgive me the abuse with your English language. Thank you Google translation

Marina da Silva

The "subject" was the "Manifesto signed by 460 students of the very traditional College Loyola,1 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil against" right-wing "parents who dictatorially imposed the cancellation of the Portuguese language test to Loyola for having a" left "text by Gregório Duvivier.
At this, the colleague, hearing from the office, left and suddenly released:
"What is school without a party? Does anyone explain to me?"
Someone explained:
"It's the school that has all the parties and not just the left-wing."
"Is it from the right?" He asked.
In the affirmative answer he celebrated with laughter:
"The right is correct!"
 I intruded:
"The Manifesto is from the children of" right-wing fathers "against" right-wing fathers "and blah."
His reply didn't surprise me.
"These are already lost."
I joked:
"Anarchists thank God." 2
He does not know what a school without a party is, most Brazilians do not know or have even heard of a school without a party and I, ashamed I admit, do not know who is Gregório Duvivier?
"Loyola College in BH used a text of mine in a test and a group of right-wing parents managed to cancel the test. I'm sorry for the teachers and students at school. Day 1 I'm going to BH if you want to meet to discuss chronicle and censorship" free translation

Resultado de imagem para colegio loyola bh lOYOLA

No one believed me, of course, I'm "left" them "right". I justified:
"Political depression, I haven't seen TV's for centuries, by the way, I'm a 21st century, addicted to Netflix, Facebook, What'sapp, Flirck, Instagram, I'm a blogger and Google Local Guide." Better would be to claim recent memory loss or dementia.
"Who is he? I asked. Youtuber? Digital influencer? Coach? Actor? Comedian? Until the other day I didn't know who Felipe Neto was!"
"He's" leftist! "" He's a shit! "
And it follows the hatred of the "good people" rooted, embedded deep in the brain by the media of GLOBO ORGANIZATIONS since the election of Lula, the metalworker, unionist, in 2003, to the presidency of Brazil. The hate is so corrosive that even the northeastern accent disappeared from television and with it  decent, elegant, respectful, intelligent, critical  thinking  and has been inaugurated the "Lulaphobia", anti-petism era that has obscured minds even with all the richness of the informational age and its thousand possibilities, for knowledge, spiritual enrichment, for social good or evil.

Resultado de imagem para gregorio duvivier Greg News

"Gregório Byington Duvivier is a Brazilian actor, humorist, screenwriter and writer. He became known for his work in film and theater and, from 2012, stood out as one of the creators of the sketches of the Porta dos Fundo series, aired by YouTube. . "3


We live trapped in "bubbles" (religious, political, cultural, football, etc), a nightmare whose only parallel that comes to my mind is the phenomenal classic movie MATRIX4, where the world is a fictional, virtual construction, hosted on a mere platform where humans are encased in capsules and connected to power cords and are used as batteries for the virtual world created and dominated by computers. A planned world as in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World5, divided into  humans produced  and genetically modified and conditioned into classes (Alphas, Betas, Gamas, Ypsilons) and the rest are just wild beings.
Worlds come in contact when an unexpected "dysfunction or unforeseen" occurs. "Someone has misfired me in the system. Where are my robot eyes? 6 Here is the drama when the individual" awakens, "when he chooses, opts for the" red pill, "and allows himself to know the real and the virtual world, the idealized and naked reality, no longer believes in shadows, myths, and chooses the reason for building human sociability, civilization.
Resultado de imagem para matrix a pílula

"It's a defining moment in the whole movie" Matrix "(I speak of the first movie in the trilogy, because the other two are expendable): Morpheus (Laurence Fishburn) meets Neo (Keanu Reaves) to explain to him that the world in which living is not the real and true world. Humans are mere slaves of a powerful computer system called the Matrix that controls the human mind. Morpheus (not in vain is this name, since it is the God of Dreams in Greek mythology) gives Neo's ability to choose between taking the blue or the red pill. Taking the blue, Neo will return to her illusory and superficial life, if He chooses the red pill, He will know the truth behind the world He thinks is real. opt for the red pill, finally knowing the complex truth behind his world of appearances. " Free translation
To understand, know anything about "school without a party" you need to choose: BLUE pill and stay in your bubble forever or the RED pill and ask QUESTIONS: what is school without party? When and where did the partyless school come about? Why? Who created? Like?
LEFT-wing, RIGHT-wing: What is left and right, where did this come from, when, how, by whom, why, what is it for, who is it for? If you choose the BLUE pill, just playing with the Matrix analogy, stop reading here and be happy in your bubble!
If you choose the RED pill .... SITTING THAT COMES CLASS!

"From this simple statement between the dichotomy of the real world and the illusory or apparent world, many philosophical and religious readings arise. These pills also represent a metaphor for the human condition: the man who resigns himself in a dogmatic and accepted way. passively everything around you or the man who wants to break free and know the absolute truth of things and access to knowledge? This duality of universes featured in "The Matrix" draws inspiration from many quarters: the story "Alice in Wonderland" in which Alice has to choose between drinking the blue or red liquid; Plato's "Allegory of the Cave", which proves that men can live in the shadow world by thinking that they represent the reality of things; and the postmodern theory of the French essayist and philosopher Jean Beaudrillard, which stipulates that we live in a world of "Simulacros and Simulation." The Wachwoski brothers themselves, directors of the "Matrix" trilogy, confessed the great influence of the French philosopher in the conceptualization of the film. "Free translation

Part 2



If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then you know that after the "Resurrection," Jesus the God-Son "is seated at the Right hand of God the Father ...", this is the Act of Faith or Roman Apostolic Catholic Creed. Jesus is on the right and on the left, I suppose, is Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the elected woman to bring the Son of God into the world. If you thought that God Father's Left is satan ... Afff, hell!
Right and left refer to someone's position, something, anything in relation to anything, something, someone.
If we search the Portuguese language dictionary7 we will find the following meanings:
RIGHT: feminine noun; right-hand synonym (uses right hand to write); right male; opposite side to the left; opposite or antonym of left; opposite of left-handed (who writes with left hand); in politics are parliamentarians, politicians, associations, organizations, etc. that are guided, follow the tradition, conservatism. Opponents on the left and sit in the parliament on the right.
LEFT: feminine noun; synonym left-handed; male left; opposite side to the right; contrary or antonym of right; right-hand opposite; and still means sinister, left-handed (write with left hand); in politics are parliamentarians, politicians, associations, organizations, etc. who are progressive, advanced, seek the new; they are opponents of the right, of tradition, conservatism, and they sit on the left in parliament.
Se procurarmos no dicionário de Língua Portuguesa7 acharemos os seguintes significados:
In ideology: left is contrary to capitalism, but not the rule; are anarchists, socialists and / or communists.
If you are left handed, you are left when you write, but it does not mean that you follow or support the ideology of the left (anarchism, socialism, communism), you may be right. If you are right-handed you are right when you write, but politically you can be on the left.
In Brazil, left and right in politics does not mean much or anything. For example, let's look at the news that was broadcast 15-10-2019 about the right-wing porn actor elected deputy federal (PSL) Alexandre Frota: “I apologize, but our right is slack and the left knows how to act, yesterday I had doomed all this but today, given what the ... - camera/
So don't panic! Whether you write with your right or left hand you are ... right or left handed! It is not right or left; rightist or leftist. But if you write with both right and left hands ... my dear you are just ambidextrous, you have a left or right writing skill!
Any citizen supports these meanings of right and left. The fight begins, things get ugly when we enter the field of politics, political parties, elections to choose our representatives mainly after the end of the military dictatorship (1964-1984) and democratic transition (1985-1989) period of right-wing conservative and anti-communist rule.
In politics

LEFT                                                         RIGHT

Conservatism                                             Progress

New, innovation, creativity                       Old, tradition, repetition

Collectivity                                                Individualism

Brotherhood, solidarity                             Selfishness

Sharing Wealth                                     Concentrating Wealth

Socialism                                                  Capitalism

Communism                                            Capitalism

Control of economic activity                  Economic liberalism

State Property                                           Private Property

For all or many                                           For few or some

Provider State                                           Minimum State

Capitalist Socialism                                 Socialist Capitalism

Capitalist Communism                              Communist Capitalism

Of course in this "picture" I am being reductionist, I use it as a didactic tool and a lot of fiction, because for long years it was believed that communism existed, but "socialism and real communism" or that existed in the USSR - Former Union of Republics Soviet Socialists and China, to cite two examples, was a big lie that the revolution in the media (personal computers, internet, social networks) threw away. The reality was psychological terrorism in the world power struggle between "Russians and Americans", a period known as the "Cold War" where the threat of the atomic bomb paralyzed the planet. Scientific socialism and communism were never put into practice as imagined by Karl Marx and Engels, nor could it, and this was because where there was such an attempt to deploy socialism and communism Marx / Engels lacked one of two necessary conditions for such a revolution8: large mass of poor and miserable proletarians expropriated from the means of production and great technological-scientific advance and economic wealth. Guess which of the two conditions the USSR (1917- Lenin) and China (1949- Mao Zedong) did not have?
Socialism and real communism it was and is a terrible, cruel and bloodthirsty ideological tyranny over the masses; domination and overexploitation and expropriation of labor in precarious ways (I'm being nice). And the most serious: the depersonalization of the individual9, especially in China, the most populous country in the world.

Part 3

The connotation of opposition, contradiction, economic-political-social opposition, right and left in relation to position, to something, someone, something will arise primarily from the Maritime and Commercial Revolutions, Scientific Renaissance and the birth of the capitalist system of production. based on wage labor and the end of feudalism; with the rise, rise, and dominion of wealth and political power and the state by the bourgeois class. An evolution that begins in the fifteenth century: era of the "discoveries" of new worlds, of European imperialism, highlighting Portugal and Spain (the pioneers), English, French, Dutch. A process that will lead to the so-called bourgeois revolutions:
"The bourgeois revolutions are called the historical processes carried out by the bourgeois class, linked to trade and finance, and which were fundamental for several European societies to overcome the absolutist system. By abandoning feudalism, European countries began to structure themselves as national states. , governed by an absolutist monarchy that had control over all its borders.In the seventeenth century, however, this system of centralizing monarchy began to collapse, especially from the development of a new class, the bourgeoisie, responsible for monetary exchange. The bourgeoisie soon clashed with the absolutist system and its greatest beneficiaries, the nobility around the sovereign. The 17th century English revolutions (Puritan and Glorious) and the French Revolution of 1789 are considered bourgeois revolutions. "10 Free translation
Until the eighteenth century the monarch, the nobility and the clergy are the "Right" and the bourgeois (merchants, financiers, capitalists) are the "Left". And the position of each and every one in the "parliament" was related to the disposition of the main leaders of both parties: a party of the monarchy on the right, a party of capitalists or a bourgeois on the left.
The Left party as we know it today (socialists, communists) begins with the Enlightenment and the denunciations, mainly in the literature, of the living conditions, the overexploitation and expropriation of the workers by the capitalists and also with the thinkers and idealizers of utopian socialism. , 18th century: Robert Owen, Saint Simon, Charles Fourier.
The bourgeois revolutions are historical milestones of the "Left" seizure of power or the consolidation of the bourgeois ideology, ethics, morality that used the people to overthrow the nobility. In power the bourgeois are "Right", ally with the aristocracy, buy noble titles and marriages, live as second class nobles never accepted and the proletarians or people become the enemies, the "Left" because they claim, fight, demand better working conditions and relationships, healthy places, reduced working hours, increased wages, finally, WORK REGULATION. The germ of socialist movements can be traced to the literature: Jean Jacques Rousseau or Émile Zola and philosophical scientific thinking is of extreme value. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' Criticism and Political Activity.
The bourgeoisie was the new, the progress, the political-scientific-technological-social-cultural or "left" innovation against centuries of idleness and power of the nobility, clergy, monarch, or the old, conservative, "right" conservative. Work is an unworthy word for the nobility who lives on the rent of land and the labor of servants. The bourgeois in powerturn against the proletarians and seek "ennoblement" at any cost by buying bonds or arranging marriage in failed noble families. This fight  between nobility and nobility-thirsty bourgeoisie is beautifully described in the work of Honoré de Balzac, especially in "Les rivalités", first part. 11
Part 4

SO...Before the eighteenth century asserted that socialism existed is the same as finding communism in Jesus Christ, calling Him a leftist,  a huge stupidity that only demonstrates the very low knowledge of General History and Christianity in particular.
Socialism is a word of the "Century of Lights" and the 1st Technological Revolution and communism is of the 19th century, 2nd Technological Revolution and more precisely a word dear to the work of Karl Marx and Engels "Communist Manifesto" or Communist Party Manifesto, 1848.
Right, rightism are ideologies that defend capitalism and its fundamentals: private property, free economic market, individualism. They reject the state and any kind of intervention or regulation of the economic market by the state. Principal theorists of capitalism or classical economists: Adam Smith, David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, Jean-Baptiste Say, Thomas Malthus.
Left, leftism refers to ideologies that denounce, criticize, theorize, and stand against Capitalism, against the bourgeois ideology of "Laissez-faire" or economic liberalism; denounce the expropriation of the workers' means of production and exploitation of labor, always paying the minimum wage to obtain the greatest profits or absolute surplus. Right, rightism are ideologies that defend capitalism and its fundamentals: private property, free economic market, individualism. They reject the state and any kind of intervention or regulation of the economic market by the state. Principal theorists of capitalism or classical economists:
Adam Smith, David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, Jean-Baptiste Say, Thomas Malthus.
The "red pill" has the power to show you the value of knowledge of history, which is invaluable, says Machiavelli, to guide the actions of those in power, wanting to maintain or expand power, wanting to join the group of the powerful. This is because history brings good and bad examples to be IMITATED: how to lose or maintain, increase the economic, strategic and geopolitical power of a monarchy or republic over a long period of time. It is not necessary to have been born in Rome to know the power of the Roman Empire in the known world for five centuries! Not even being a waiter at "Santa Ceia" to believe she happened ...
That is why, historically, we can only speak of right and left as we speak today, from the nineteenth century when the contradictions of the capitalist system of production became unbearable for the workers and demanded "solutions" to conflicts, dichotomies, antagonisms between the bourgeois class and the proletariat.

CURIOSITY: The United States of America-USA is considered the capitalist country par excellence so, of course, there is only RIGHT.

Of course not! In politics, the American capitalists are divided into liberal, neoliberal, anarcho-libertarian or "right"  conservative republicans, and liberal, neoliberal, anarcho-libertarian or "left" democrat republicans. In practice one and the other differ very little: the left-wing Democrat Bill Clinton was more ultra-liberal in power than right-wing Republican Ronald Reagan. The concepts left and right serve more for psychological terrorism, manipulation of electoral cattle, relaying power of big capitalists, and production of fakenews.


To understand SCHOOL WITHOUT PARTY it is necessary to know all this History of economic thought since the emergence and consolidation of capitalism. The "school whitout party" has party: Laissez-faire or economic liberalism and actually has a date of birth, address, ID, etc. It still arises during World War II that ended the capitalism of economic liberalism and began the ECONOMY STATE INTERVENTIONISM in both the USSR and the US, the two powers that divided the world into two empires: capitalism (led by the United States) , socialism, communism (led by the USSR).
The "Schol whitout Party" was founded by Austrian economists Ludwig Mises and F. Hayec in the USA under the name of "Austrian School of Economics or Chicago School" to fight the interventionism installed by F.D. Rooselvet with the "New deal":
"Due to the crisis of 1929 that the United States of America was facing was created the New Deal (new agreement), with the intention of the state to intervene in the economy, where it was liberal, that is, the North Americans lived the so-called economic liberalism where the state does not intervene in economic activities. This was the biggest factor in the end of liberal capitalism. "13 Free translation

Economic liberalism, known and praised as the "Golden Age of Liberalism or Laissez-faire" from the 1860s [only occurred with heavy state investment] comes to an end with Roosevelt's New deal in 1933:
"The 'new deal' was a set of measures created by the government of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933-1945), which was inspired by the ideas of economist John Keynes where it aimed to take economic measures that would guarantee the full employment of workers. Keynes also advocated , a redistribution of profits so that the purchasing power of consumers increases as the means of production develop. " idem

From the end of World War II and even during this the "Partyless School" was being gestated and will flourish in the United States: large, medium and small business owners, politicians, journalists, novelists, economists (Mises and Hayeck) and their students and followers spend the next decades preparing for the destruction of the state and its "action, intervention" in the free economic market.14 The first fruits come from the initial implementation of neoliberalism in Chile in 1973 during the Pinochet dictatorship - authoritarianism does not make the destruction of the state impossible. and its institutions actually accelerates.
Next comes the "neoliberal wave" with Margareth Tatcher (1979- England), Ronald Reagan (1980- USA), Helmut Khol (1983- Germany), Fernando Collor (Brazil-1990). Neoliberalism has imposed privatization of state-owned enterprises, labor reform (deregulation, flexibility or even destruction of historic social labor rights achieved through many struggles, strikes, deaths), pension reform (raising retirement age and increasing social security contributions), extinction of unions, outsourcing, subcontracting, etc.
We come to the 21st century with the glory and victory of "Laissez-faire" capitalism and the "school without a party" and a new empire in the balance of world power: China.

It is only possible to understand "the school whitout party" from the twentieth century and with its founders or the Austrian School of Economics and only within the economic sphere. What you call the " School whitout party" is actually an inglorious struggle in the field of ethics and morals, something aimed at the "freedom" of the individual, mainly related to sexual choices, but not only and camouflaged in the struggle between communists and capitalists that justifies today's ultra-neoliberalism or anarcho-libertarianism to elect abominable people to rule nations with hate speech, racism, machismo, xenophobia, misogyny, feminicide, various corruptions covert in "politically incorrect" speech . These are "abject lessons of intolerance," whose geostrategic, geopolitical, and geoeconomic use is aimed at the imperial control of energy resources, say, control of colonies like Brazil, rich in the main energy that has moved capitalism since the last decades of the century. XIX: the oil.
The coup d'etat suffered by the re-elected president in 2014, Dilma Rousseff - fake impeachment by pedaling "- did not occur because Dilma was lesbian, ugly, incompetent, but because Brazil's intentions, in the Lulist era, were to elevate the nation to the level of a global regional power and not remain a mere colony of US exploitation. Brazil, one of the ten capitalist economies on the planet, in the left government, was RIGHT: Lula led the people with his left hand and ruled with the right, someone said turn!
It is the discovery of the mega oil and natural gas fields of the pre-salt layer and not the "communist threat" that will alter US geostrategy and geopolitics for Latin America. The US empire began to dig its grave when it chose to deindustrialize the country and shift production to various parts of the planet, first to underdeveloped capitalist countries such as Brazil and then to China, the Asian giant.15
After we exhaust of the power of the "Red Matrix Pill" you still don't know what "school whitout party " really is?
Your problems did not end if yoy study "story "tabajara casseta & planet", "Zorra total" in "Professor Raimundo's school ", this is because in these schools" without party of the Globo network and the like ", "school without party "has nothing to do with conservatism, tradition, privately owned, to fight for Capitalism because it would be stupid: capitalism shines, a lone star in the sky of the world economy since the "fall of the Berlin Wall" in 1989 and the total collapse of "real socialism / communism" in the twentieth century. All RIGHT discourse to the masses is mere control and domination of the social body, society, the people in the sphere of deformed, corrupted, distorted morality and ethics, and passes away from the economic and political sphere. A speech bound to hatred rather than tolerance; to burrism rather than intelligence, myths and not the reality of the dispute over empires by colonies rich in raw materials and energy resources such as Brazil and Venezuela, for illustration purposes only.
Patriotism does not call for foreign intervention, democracy does not call for military intervention; Faith in Jesus Christ does not call for weapons, intolerance, violence, murder; poverty is not solved with the "slaughter law" of the poor, black, slum dwellers; racism and homophobia is resolved with tolerance rather than extermination of blacks and gays; machismo is the right to cruelly kill, rape, beat up babies, girls, teenagers, adult women, elderly women inside the sacrosanct home. You're welcome.


1. GATTAI, Zélia. Anarquistas, graças a Deus.1979. Transformado em minissérie em 1984 pela rede Globo.

2. Sobre o ato de repúdio de alunos do Loyola  que viralizou nas redes sociais do Brasil ver:; da nota de repúdio: “Algumas famílias da comunidade Loyola parecem ver na pluralidade uma ameaça à qualidade de ensino, tão prezada pela instituição, e aos valores pessoais dos alunos, aparentemente frágeis e manipuláveis", diz a nota de repúdio. "Esse tipo de pensamento, retrógrado e conservador, foi uma alavanca para o episódio que ocorreu no começo da semana”, prossegue o documento, que defende a liberdade dos professores e a pluralidade.