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sábado, 31 de julho de 2021




A política tem várias definições, com visões distintas, surgidas ao longo da história da civilização.

Todas elas a consideram uma ciência. Existe, inclusive, uma faculdade de ciência política, com duração de vários anos de estudo!

Em todos esses conceitos, fica inerente a busca ao bem comum.

Como um de seus traços, aparece a aspiração ao poder, mas, obviamente, com regras, com respeito, com democracia, com ética, com dignidade, com a vocação de servir ao próximo.

Um de seus principais instrumentos é a dialética, entendida no seu sentido platônico, qual seja, “debate entre interlocutores comprometidos com a busca da verdade”.

Para os grandes políticos, benfeitores de fato, a história reserva o honroso título de “estadistas”, por terem a envergadura do Estado em seu sentido mais elevado.

Paralelamente a essa ciência, há uma pseudopolítica, que visa o poder em primeiro lugar, a fim de se obter privilégios e benefícios pessoais, grupais, corporativos.

Não bastasse seu objetivo desprezível, ainda se utiliza de instrumentos, os mais torpes: as mentiras, as calúnias, as ofensas, as acusações levianas, a desvalorização rude dos adversários, com escárnio, semeando a discórdia entre amigos e irmãos.

Dificilmente apresentam propostas construtivas, pois só sabem atacar, destruir, matar. É um campo fértil para psicopatas, aproveitadores da ignorância e dos preconceitos da população.

Os pseudopolíticos e seus seguidores sempre se proclamam homens de bem, patriotas, defensores da família, da moral, da religião, dos valores cristãos, mas agem de forma oposta, às escuras. Publicamente, atuam mediante a hipocrisia, o engodo, a falsidade.

Com a chegada das redes sociais, premidas pelo natural espírito gregário, as pessoas passaram a nelas publicar suas impressões e os seus desejos políticos.

Umberto Eco disse, em 2015, que “as redes sociais deram voz a uma legião de imbecis”. Tenho outra visão, vieram para democratizar a imbecilidade.

De qualquer forma, elas deixaram claro o estabelecimento de uma escala com dois grupos simpáticos à política, ou à pseudopolítica, em seus extremos.

Os adeptos da verdadeira política sempre procuram uma maneira de colaborar com sua evolução. De livros, artigos, reportagens que leem, pinçam uma ideia, uma frase, uma dúvida, para transmitir aos amigos e conhecidos, geralmente, de acordo com suas convicções e princípios.

Quando isso não redunda em um bom diálogo entre os pensadores opostos, pelo menos, os dois lados exercem a tolerância com as ideias divergentes.

Já os que se engajam na pseudopolítica criam e disseminam as fofocas, as “fake news”, as manifestações sem fonte fidedigna ou de desconhecidos infames, sem currículo ou caráter para amparar suas afirmações nocivas e desequilibradas.

Isso acontece em todos os países atualmente.

A política verdadeira almeja o progresso, o bem-estar de todos, a paz, a altivez nacional, a soberania.

A pseudopolítica, em sentido inverso, investe no retrocesso, no subdesenvolvimento, no obscurantismo, na submissão a interesses econômicos de grupos nacionais ou estrangeiros.

O futuro da nação será a resultante desses vetores.

E, sob as asas da liberdade, cada um escolhe em que direção e sentido vai empurrar o caminhão!


Sérgio Antunes de Freitas

Julho de 2021

sábado, 24 de julho de 2021


                          TRUMPISME : UN BOLSONARO DANS LA MAISON BLANCHE ?!:;,...

*Bonjour, pardonnez-moi l'abus... etc. Merci traducteur google

                                                             Quelle est la différence entre Donald Trump et Bolsonaro ? Les deux sont intellectuellement limités, ont un faible quotient intellectuel et sont des ânes, mais Trump est un âne milliardaire. Les deux ont pris le Covid-19, l'un est déjà tombé !

Marina da Silva

Partie 1

Ce n'est pas une histoire de fiction, malheureusement, cela ne se termine même pas avec l'élection du 46e président des États-Unis d'Amérique Joe Biden (2021-2024) et cela durera longtemps et sera étudié, scientifiquement, par toutes les sciences à la recherche d'appréhender, de comprendre comment, littéralement, un âne a été élu président de la puissance américaine et est devenu, du point de vue global de l'Occident, l'une des plus grandes catastrophes géopolitiques et géoéconomiques de tous les temps. En attendant tu ne peux ramasser que des morceaux ici et là d'événements et de faits historiques et raconter comment les électeurs américains (mais pas seulement eux) ont élu l'âne comme président des États-Unis.1 Dans l'histoire du monde, Caligula a fait de son cheval un sénateur, au 21e siècle,   de nombreux  milliardaires, « empereurs capitalistes anarcho-libertaires »2 ont fait des ânes… des présidents ! C'était ainsi...

De nombreux historiens et philosophes de l'économie politique et d'autres sciences sont d'accord ou non, mais il semble que le 21e siècle ait réellement commencé au 20e siècle qui à son tour a peut-être commencé au 19e siècle et ainsi de suite ; une impression qui reste quand on étudie l'Histoire compartimentée, par chapitres et non comme un processus continu, pas forcément d'ordre et de progrès dû aux divers conflits et catastrophes et guerres, famines et ravageurs naturels et naturellement provoquée par ceux qui cherchent, détiennent et veulent étendre la richesse et le pouvoir, machiavéliquement parlant. Alors pour commencer à naviguer dans le moment actuel du capitalisme « flexible, fluide, invisible et de surveillance », The Post-Modern Condition selon David Harvey3 il est nécessaire de remonter à l'époque de la transition du féodalisme au capitalisme, dans la révolution de les moyens de transport et de communication (révolution maritime et l'ère des découvertes), dans la révolution du commerce des marchandises, dans la production manufacturière, dans la découverte de nouvelles colonies et richesses qui ont permis l'accumulation primitive de capital4 qui à son tour a forgé le moderne, l'ère mondiale et la fondation, le développement et la cristallisation du mode de production capitaliste. Et avant de s'enfuir par peur des livres... Ce "parcours historique complexe" de la construction de la sociabilité humaine peut se faire sur internet : Google, Youtube, Netflix, en films, séries, documentaires, cours d'Histoire, Géographie et d'autres sciences.5
Donald Trump est né au XXe siècle, en 1946, là même dans la période de reconstruction de l'après-guerre [1938-1945] connue sous le nom d'âge d'or6, sous l'égide de l'ETAT et inondé de collectivistes, socialistes, communistes, anarchistes. , idées économiques démocrates , républicains, sociaux-démocrates, etc., venant des penseurs du XVIIIe-XIXe siècle (Blanqui, Henri de Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, Babeuf, Bakounine, Marx, Engels, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns) et par la pensée économique de Jonhn Maynard Keynes. L'âge d'or6 est une période de grande prospérité du « Providence sociale ou État-providence », sécurité alimentaire, sécurité de l'emploi, sécurité sociale, logement, renforcement de la classe moyenne, production et consommation de masse, forte industrialisation et rôle actif du syndicalisme, collectif associations, volontariat, préoccupation et défense de l'environnement dans le soi-disant « premier monde »,un âge d'or, de grande prospérité et de lutte pour les droits.7 Clôture de la Maison Blanche recouverte de pancartes disant « Loser » Donald Trump « Vous êtes viré »

Monter l'âne Donald Trump (2016-2020), « viré » pour ses actes, performances, concerts et conduite malfaisante et grossière - qui a ébranlé l'équilibre du pouvoir mondial, toujours favorable aux USA -  et votre position déni de la pandémie de Covid-198 et défaite aux élections de 2020 et aller en Floride avec lui ne répondra pas à la question:

« Comment les États-Unis, la superpuissance capitaliste, « les propriétaires et la police du monde » depuis le 20e siècle, ont-ils élu un âne pour président, considéré comme la plus grande erreur géopolitique, géostratégique et géoéconomique de tous les siècles et siècles amen ? »

D'un rêve américain, Donald Trump9 est devenu le contraire. Un adulte intellectuellement rabougri, égocentrique, idiot, propagateur de mensonges, de  fausses nouvelles ; un simple joueur   échoué  dans les casinos eux-mêmes, embourbés dans les dettes, soupçonnés de délits financiers et de collusion avec les autochtones (politiciens et lobbyistes) et avec de vieux ennemis des Américains [Russes], enfin, il est devenu le cauchemar américain, président démocratiquement élu en 2016.

                      donald trump e hitler. Utilisation massive de manipulation psychologique, paysages de terreur, mensonges, haine, colère, rancœur, génocides sont des nouveautés du 20ème siècle et il y a Hitler et Staline, deux exemples pour corroborer l'Histoire. Trump et Hitler ont beaucoup en commun : tous deux méchants, sans aucune empathie pour les êtres humains, cruels. Machiavel, dans son guide politique, valorise "copier" les actions des dirigeants passés, MAIS ceux qui sont intelligents et qui ont pu fonder, étendre et maintenir le POUVOIR LONGTEMPS POSSIBLE sans la corrosion, la corruption et la détérioration du corps socio-politique-économique , etc. et etc et ainsi de suite.

Comment était-ce possible au XXe siècle ? C'était la question que se posaient les Européens face au nazisme-hitlérisme, au fascisme, à la montée du totalitarisme dans toute l'Europe. Il faut connaître l'histoire de cette Histoire remontant à la période dite de la Deuxième Révolution Scientifique et Technologique (1850) ; du néocolonialisme ; la guerre franco-prussienne, le mouvement romantique et le renforcement des nationalismes, l'unification allemande et italienne, la Première Guerre mondiale (1914-1918), la Révolution russe (1917), la grippe espagnole (1918), la  Crash de la Bourse de New York (1929), de la montée du nazisme et du fascisme en Europe dans les années 30, de la Seconde Guerre mondiale (1938-1945). Tout ce qui est solide se fond dans l'air ; c'est ainsi que fonctionne le capitalisme... et il est disponible, encore, dans les films, les séries, les documentaires et les cours dans la plus grande invention du 20ème siècle : l'INTERNET.10

Donald Trump est né riche en « construction civile » fils de l'homme d'affaires à succès Fred Trump à "l'âge d'or" pour les Etats-Unis dirigé par le New Deal de Roosevelt à partir de 1933. Dans ce "nouvel accord", l'Etat a repris la conduite et la régulation de l'économie, des politiques publiques sociales, du redressement bancaire , l'investissement en capital dans le processus de production, les infrastructures, la science et la technologie, la régulation financière et le monde du travail après la grave crise des années trente générée à Wall Street - briser  du système financier, connu sous le nom de Krach de la Bourse de New York en 1929.

Quel est le rôle de l'Etat ? Pourquoi l'État a-t-il été créé ? Combien « d'État » les capitalistes peuvent-ils supporter... dans les crises graves ? lapidaire des conservateurs, néolibéraux, ultra-libéraux, anarcho-libertaires : L'ÉTAT N'EST PAS LA SOLUTION, L'ÉTAT EST LE PROBLÈME. Prédiction de la "Chicago school" basée sur la pensée de Ludwig Mises, F. Hayeck, Milton Friedman, Barry Goldwatter, Murray Rothbart...

Nous n'allons pas entrer dans cette querelle de la taille de l'ETAT, débat et confrontation d'idées qui a été menée par F. Hayek (1899-1992) et J. Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), un duel économique historique qui a influencé et influence les générations et s'est transformé en un livre : KEYNES x HAYEK11.

« Les origines et l'héritage du plus grand duel économique de l'histoire. Deux des plus grands économistes de l'histoire, John Maynard Keynes et Friedrich August von Hayek, étaient dans des camps opposés dans la plus grande bataille économique de tous les temps : si les gouvernements devaient ou non intervenir sur les marchés. Dans les ruines de la Première Guerre mondiale, ils ont tous deux étudié l'essor et l'effondrement du cycle économique, aboutissant à des conclusions très différentes : Hayek croyait que la modification de "l'équilibre naturel" de l'économie entraînerait une inflation galopante, tandis que Keynes pensait que le chômage de masse et la misère qui marquaient la fin d'un cycle pourraient être raccourcis par les dépenses publiques. Ses idées gagneraient et perdraient le soutien des politiciens – de Franklin Roosevelt à George W. Bush – et influenceraient la vie et les moyens de subsistance de millions de personnes. De la Grande Dépression à la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et de la reprise d'après-guerre à nos jours, le journaliste chevronné Nicholas Wapshott examine, dans ce Keynes x Hayek, les débats animés entre ces deux géants du XXe siècle dont les points de vue divergents ont façonné la montée et la chute des économies autour de le monde." idem

Avec le monde LITTÉRALEMENT détruit, bien sûr le keynésianisme gagne et tous les défenseurs du libre marché économique, radicaux pour le capitalisme (libéraux classiques, républicains et démocrates néolibéraux, libertaires, anarcho-libertaires) rassemblent leurs ailes et leurs griffes, reculent et, travaillant beaucoup dans le États Unis dans les décennies suivantes : Littérature, journalisme, séminaires, distribution de tracts, mise en place de casernes de laissez-faire dans les instituts, fondations, écoles et groupes d'activisme dans les collèges et universités en économie, commerce, sociologie, psychologie et autres cours, création d'un forum de discussion international dans Suisse, dite Société du Mont-Pèlerin (retour au libéralisme) et quelques « églises ».12

Le guide du retour du libre marché a été écrit par F. Hayek : La route pour  la servitude13, très similaire au guide politique Le prince de Nicolas Machiavel, à mon avis, adhère à l'origine de l'homme en tant qu'« être social » qui construit historiquement et progressivement la sociabilité humaine complexe avec d'autres êtres humains14, chiens et chats qui en sont exclus. Bien sûr, je ne peux pas dire cela pour un économiste et philosophe15 (défenseur de l'action humaine individuelle, égoïste libre, radicalement opposé aux idées et philosophies collectivistes, socialistes, communistes et de Jésus-Christ) et qui a vécu l'horreur de presque un demi-siècle de guerres, de famine et de peste au « siècle court » sous l'empire des querelles impérialistes sur les marchés mondiaux, les matières premières et le travail et mourant de peur de l'épouvantail, c'est-à-dire des idées collectivistes, du dirigisme étatique autoritaire, de la planification et régulation de l'économie par les défenseurs du communisme, du socialisme, de la social-démocratie, des systèmes et des formes de gouvernement, qui selon Hayek glissent INEXORABLEMENT sur le totalitarisme, sur l'interventionnisme étatique dans l'économie (même si les expériences de l'État-providence le contredisent). La peur est réelle, tout comme le contexte historique d'un plus grand pouvoir de l'État sur tout et sur tous. Non, Hayek n'a pas "copié/collé" Machiavel et c'est lui-même qui lève les doutes :

"C'est un livre politique" et non un "essai de philosophie sociale"" et les "convictions qui y sont exprimées ne sont pas dictées par mes intérêts personnels" mais par des valeurs capitales fondamentales qu'il croit, adhère et défend : la reprise du libéralisme économique, de l'État minimum, de l'économie de marché libre, de l'individualisme, de l'égoïsme, du profit. Toute l'inquiétude et l'appréhension de Hayek se situent dans les tendances socialistes, communistes du moment (révolution russe en 1917, montée du totalitarisme en Europe renforcement des idées nationales-socialistes, social-démocrates... La thèse du livre est apparue pour la première fois « dans un article intitulé A Liberdade e a Sistema Econômico, publié en 1938 ». (HAEYECK : P.9-10)

Après avoir pris connaissance du livre La conscience d'un conservateur par Barry Goldwater16, la personne est d'accord avec Hayek. En effet, cet ouvrage est le guide par excellence de l'action politique pour les conservateurs et/ou anarcho-libertaires comme Roger Stone. Voir documentaire cité en bibliographie. Pour les radicaux du capitalisme, le rôle et la taille de l'État se confondent avec des principes : laissez-faire, individualisme, égoïsme, libre action [économique humaine], non collectiviste, non interventionniste ; contre la planification centrale et la gestion étatique de l'économie. Il y a dans la "Conscience" juste la permission  pour un État de droit libéral, avec des règles formelles strictes pour les situations générales, et les moments de guerre, les situations graves et/ou les crises de capitaux. Ce n'est que dans cet État minimal [minarchie ploutocratique] que l'État de droit libéral peut exister et dans le contexte des incertitudes, de l'irrationalité et de l'imprévisibilité du capitalisme (Hayek, chap.6), c'est-à-dire lorsque les capitalistes bousillent ils appellent à l'aide de l'État. Pour Murray Rothbart, même ce type d'« État » ne peut exister, aucun État est le meilleur état.


Donald Trump est « éduqué » à la philosophie politique de l'école autrichienne d'économie et surtout « à la Intégrisme opportuniste, mauvais caractère, corrompu, effronté, hypocrite de Rothbart et de sa bande pro-macartisme (persécution et chasse aux communistes, lire persécution de l'Intelligentsia américaine*), culte du capitalisme anarchique et libertaire : anarcho-libertarisme de droite ; liberté extrême, individualisme et égoïsme extrêmes, mépris et destruction de l'État. Trump avait déjà dans ses bagages le conservatisme républicain libéral de tradition-famille-propriété, tempéré par le racisme, l'homophobie, la phobie latine (surtout contre les Mexicains), la misogynie, le machisme et d'autres vices explicites et traité avec un zèle extrême et une fascination pour le culte narcissique et parasite de brillance et les projecteurs des médias, faisant n'importe quoi pour se montrer et jeter leurs mensonges et récolter de grandes récompenses et des fans.17

Parte 2


  (à suivre...)



* "O termo intelligentsia (do russo:[1][2] интеллигенция, do latimintelligentia) usualmente refere-se a uma categoria ou grupo de pessoas envolvidas em trabalho intelectual complexo e criativo direcionado ao desenvolvimento e disseminação da cultura, abrangendo trabalhadores intelectuais."


2. Para entender as “nuances” conceituais sobre o que é" liberal, liberalismo" dos  radicais defensores  capitalistas do mercado econômico livre ler: Capitalismo para todos ou capitalismo para alguns de Robert Reich; Radicais pelo capitalismo de Brian Dhoreth. Ver em O caminho da servidão de F. Hayeck: "O uso a todo momento da palavra "liberal" em seu sentido originário, do século XIX,(...)Na linguagem corrente nos Estados Unidos, seu significado com frequência quase o oposto, pois, para camuflar-se movimentos esquerdistas deste país, auxiliados pela confusão mental de muitos que realmente acreditam na liberdade, fizeram com que "libera"l passasse a indicar a defesa de quase todo tipo de controle governamental."(Prefácio à edição americana, 1974:p.17. Ebook)

3. HARVEY, David. A CONDIÇÃO PÓS-MODERNA. São Paulo: editora Loyola, 1992.

4.  MARX, K. A ORIGEM DO CAPITAL. A Acumulação Primitiva. Coleção Bases 3. São Paulo, SP: Global Editora e distribuidora Ltda.1979

5.  Sobre a facilidade de conhecimento na internet ver exemplos: REVOLUÇÃO INDUSTRIAL SEC.XIX. Guerras;IMPERIALISMO ;; UNIFICAÇÃO ALEMÃ E ITALIANA; A FAMÍLIA: Jesus salva (Uso geopolítico de Cristo contra avanço mulçumano)

 6. Sobre a Golden age, momento áureo de crescimento e expansão econômica e social (1945-1973) ver:;

7. CHOMSKI, Noan. O fim do sonho americano. Documentário disponível no Youtube; REICH, R. SAVING CAPITALISM, documentário

8. Sobre a pandemia COVID-19 ainda em curso ver:;;

9. Sobre o tema ver: Donald Trum - Un American Dream. Documentário Netflix de como Trump foi “construído” por fanáticos e fãs e usado como candidato republicano para derrubar os democratas do poder (2008-2016) usando o poder de manipulação psicológica através de ódio, raiva, rancor e mentiras potencializados pela internet e uso das redes sociais e uso de dados privados de americanos, em estados-chaves pela empresa SCL GROUP- CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA; GET ME ROGER STONE documentário

10.Sobre a criação da rede mundial que conecta o mundo instantaneamente assistir: LO AND BEHOLD documentário

11. WAPSHOTT N. Keynes x Hayek: A origem e a herança do maior duelo econômico da história.  São Paulo, SP: Editora Record, 2016 em

12 .DHORETH, Brian. Radicals for Captalism: A freewilling History the Modern american Libertarian Movement. E-book. Sobre a acusação contra o CULTO Ayn Rand ver capítulo 5. OBJETIVISMO, ANARCHO-CAPITALISM, AND THE EFFECTS OF PSICHEDELICS ON FAITH AND FREEDOM, P. 225-291

13. HAYECK, F. O CAMINHO DA SERVIDÃO(1944). E-book. 


15. Ver em  "Friedrich August von Hayek (alemão: [ˈfʁiːdʁɪç ˈaʊ̯ɡʊst ˈhaɪɛk]Viena8 de maio de 1899 — Friburgo em Brisgóvia23 de março de 1992) foi um economista e filósofo austríaco, posteriormente naturalizado britânico. É considerado um dos maiores representantes da Escola Austríaca de pensamento econômico. Foi defensor do liberalismo clássico e procurou sistematizar o pensamento liberal clássico para o século XX, época em que viveu. Realizou contribuições para a filosofia do direitoeconomiaepistemologiahistória das ideiashistória econômicapsicologia, entre outras áreas. Recebeu o Prêmio de Ciências Econômicas em Memória de Alfred Nobel de 1974, "por seu trabalho pioneiro na teoria da moeda e flutuações econômicas e pela análise penetrante da interdependência dos fenômenos econômicos, sociais e institucionais", que dividiu com seu rival ideológico Gunnar Myrdal.[1]"

16. GOLDWATER, Barry M.THE CONSCIENCE OF THE A CONSERVATIVE. EUA: published by Stellar Classics. 2013. E.Book.

17. Sobre Donald Trump e seus passos ver: documentários Trump, an american dream; A Décima Terceira Emenda; Get me Roger Stone; 

The Family.PESQUISE.

quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2021



Part 2

Marina da Silva

Why didn't Trump run for the US presidency after the 1988 elections? It seems a matter of transcendent importance, and it is, not for humanity but for Donald Trump.

But before...

Why A Bolsonaro THE WHITE HOUSE caption above? Simple, because in Brazil from 2017 onwards, the unimaginable, the nightmare jair bolsonaro, former army captain, federal deputy for over two decades, suspect along with his children in the CPI of militias-RJ1, a lazy, coarse, rude , racist, homophobic, misogynist and intellectually limited, entered the radar of the 2018 elections as an option for the probable PT return to power through the country's most beloved former president, Lula.érgio moro in the photo and deltan dellagnol unmasked by The Intercept. Moro says that denunciations of his impartiality and corruption are just fantasies. Yes, I agree, it's like the fantastic "crime assumptions" created, invented and pasted by him, Sérgio Moro and Deltan, TRF-4, Public Ministry to President Lula and at the same time, Sérgio Moro is there knowingly shielding and sparing politicians criminals from the most corrupt parties PMDB, PSDB, PP, citing the 3 most cited in the Lava Jato crimes.

Lula would be elected in the first round if Sérgio Moro, first instance judge, corrupt, partial in command of Operation Lava Jet, deltan dellagnol and corrupt judges of the TRF-4/Paraná, corrupt federal police, Federal Public Ministry and STF had not instrumentalized Operation and investigations Lava Jato transforming it into a political platform against PT members, Lula and Dilma and protecting the main and true politicians/businessmen involved in Petrobrás' crimes. Destroying the PT at any cost became the focus of OPERATION LAVA JATO, read leaks of illegal wiretapping against President Dilma and Lula, dissemination of lies, false accusations, specious investigations, highly suspicious accusations and against "due legal process, broad defense" and other basic foundations of LAW. And the most serious: Lula's arrest in April 2018 without evidence, only with assumptions created by Sergio Moro, the hero of corruption and the corrupt. Facts that were made public with Operation VAZA JATO, Intercept Brasil.2 free ass movement, free burrismo movement, puppets in the geopolitical chess of the regional power Brazil;working and serving the US (supported the coup against President Dilma, supported the usurper michel temer-PMDB, supported military intervention and bozonaro, agents from the Mises Institute, think tank brothers Koch and federations of industry and agribusiness). They believe in the free market as a being of flesh and blood, a fact taught by the guru olasno de carvalho.
bolsonaro started to be guided, treated, supported by militias on social networks (military, police, groups such as #MBL; #Cansei; (of the candidate for governor of SP João Dória)#Vemprarua; bloggers, digital influencers, journalists), all financed by politicians, Federations and associations of commerce, industry, agribusiness, ruralists and businessmen and the global support of Organizações Globo, Bandeirantes, Record, SBT, Rede TV and affiliates. After the election in the United States, Bolsaro had his ego inflated with open support from the United States and led to be Trump tupiniquim using the same methods as Donald Trump's campaign, including with the advice of Steve Bannon, arrested in 2020 for stealing money from construction of the wall against Mexican immigrants, Trump's campaign promise.
Fact that was made public before the 2018 elections: the interference linked to Bannon through the Cambridge Analytica3 company (an arm of the SCL group) propagator of fake news, hatred, psychological manipulation of voters forming bubbles of discord in Brazil, acting together with politicians, bloggers, digital influencers, the scum of TV like Datena, Ratinho, Sílvio Santos, actors from the Globo network, the rotten band of evangelical politicians and corrupt pastors like edir macedo, silas malafaia, waldomiro, everaldo, marcos feliciano, etc. bolsonaro won the elections by amalgamating and reproducing Trump's speech and image. And after the elections, in 2019 it was already considered, like Trump, the biggest geopolitical error in the history of capitalism. Steve Bannon and one of bolsonaro's sons, Edu.
Hence, Trump came to be considered and is, as stupid, ignorant, intellectually limited as the bolsonaro Ass. Both nations elected donkeys to the presidency. The difference between them? Donald Trump is a billionaire, TV show star, influencer in the art of negotiating and lying in the digital age, computerized and interconnected through the Internet and social networks, especially Twitter and Facebook. Really, two comedies, farce, without any inclination to be president of two great nations, Brazil and the United States. No one on the planet ever imagined that Trump's candidacy for the Republican Party was serious; it was a very bad joke, but it worked! The United States elected a "bolsonaro to the White House."4

The Brazilian Trump reigned in the world's "bolsonarist"  and here includes the inflated ego of the Armed Forces, intellectually depressed people, pathetic and subservient to the colonizer, highlighted by the Army's "uniformed cows" (a synonym given by one of them to the generals during the military dictatorship 1964-1985 ). Let's add to them the minions, the Christians (gospel of Capital), the Coxinhas or the dumb middle class, the poor voters who believe in the cliché "order and progress and military intervention, totaling about 57 million anti-PT voters, resentful, angry, driven by hatred, initially led by the Globo-Hate Machine Organizations, since Lula's first term (2003-2009) and in 2015 by the toucan Áecio Neves, PSDB of Minas Gerais, defeated in the 2014 elections and who will plot in Congress to usurpation of the mandate of President Dilma Rousseff, elected by more than 58 million votes in 2014 for the mandate (2015-2018). It was a coup! And stopping here not to contradict the chorus of the gays or the supporters of the "myth", currently reduced to 17% to 20% of the #bolsonarogenocida electorate in the face of the death toll by the Covid-19 pandemic.


Back to the main course: Donald "(...)Donald Trump, stated that he escaped the service by sheer luck. However, documents released by the New York Times recently contradict the tycoon's statements. (...)Trump got five exemptions from military work, four for educational reasons – the tycoon studied administration at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School – and one for medical reasons.”

Trump was born in 1946 into a millionaire family, headed by Fred Trump, a successful construction entrepreneur, and spent his childhood developing his character, in fact, bad manners. According to Ms. Trump, litleTrump loved to borrow his younger brother's legos and, using super Bond glue, built his castles.5 Lying is the most deplorable vice, says Machiavelli, who prescribes denunciation and a forum to resolve conflicts such as salutary measure against the corrosion of the social body and political body of kingdoms and republics. "When Donald was 13, his father sent him to private school for five years. Fred Trump was austere. And I think he was a teacher to his son." While Trump grows in grace and beauty, oops, selfishness, envy and greed, arrogant and spoiled, the United States consolidates itself as a global superpower having as its opponent the USSR - the Soviets; and Americans lived the unforgettable Golden Age. The free market economic spree was interrupted after the crash of the New York Stock Exchange in 1929 and an era of intervention, conduct and regulation of economic activities will gain strength from Roosevelt's New Deal in 1933 and was consolidated with World War II.

Unbridled economic liberalism, practically dead, will re-emerge like a phoenix, even in the midst of the Second World War and a new strain of conservative-liberal-neoliberal-anarcho-libertarian Democrats and Republicans begin a job of little ants giving life to end American Dream promoted by the state under the guidance of the Austrian economists Mises and Hayek within the North American soil, a nation little contaminated by the communist virus, socialist, but tending towards the welfare state.6 Trump started working with Fred early, but his dream was not to match his rigid father and/or his success as a businessman who made his fortune building popular slums in Brooklyn, but to surpass him. Freud explains. Donald was ambitious and greedy and made sure everyone knew this. “I met Donald in 1974. I met him at La Club, a private club on the Upper East Side. He was captivating. I knew right away that Donald dreamed big. The family was in the construction business, but not in Manhattan. Do something small in Brooklyn. You want to do something big, do it in Manhattan." Says Nikki Haskell, friend of the family. (Doc. Trump an american dream)

Trump got rid of the war against Vietnam and is on the side of white supremacy and in this he remained supporting actions against the movement for "Civil rights to vote, fight against racism, segregation" of blacks, women, immigrants7 while following in his father's footsteps to become a successful businessman. The star of the family, who made his fortune in construction was Trump-father, who, as far as we know, besides his talent for business, was the only king in the family that he led in an authoritarian and absolute manner. Donald trump had to support his father at various points in his youth and adult life and set out, Freudian I believe, to overcome this Gordian knot with the sword of bargaining art and pharaonic works. Trump, a highly coveted bachelor, was always seen alongside beautiful women, top models, at high society parties, but not in the society of the traditional rich. He was just another super hyper mega plus rich emerging from the middle of nowhere, unknown like a Vera Loyola or a Val Machiori Third-World and this will mark him forever.(idem)

In the 1970's, New York was known as "the city of fear". Extreme crime, very high levels of unemployment, drugs, trawlers, evictions, poverty generated by both the 1973 oil crisis, speculative financial crises and the restructuring process production: use of new raw materials, smaller industry plant, robotized, mechanization based on microelectronics, closure of industrial plants and their dispersion and geographical deterritorialization both within the country and to underdeveloped peripheral capitalist countries in Latin America and Asia, especially China and India.8 It is a moment of grave Crisis for Americans and times of crisis are times of excellent opportunity, especially if you have certain friends within the government. And Fred Trump does. Anyone who has friends has a treasure, the popular saying goes, so imagine if you're friends with the mayor of New York. All doors from public coffers will open.

"Tough times are times of great opportunity for sneaky people. Despair is the land they inherit. Abe Beam, NY mayor is a very close friend of Fred Trump. Closer than you can be. Abe Beam was waiting on the Fred Trump steps and Donald Trump to say: whatever they wanted was theirs." Wayne Barret, journalist, Village Voice.(Trump an american dream)

In 1974 Donald takes a solo flight: Commodore Hotel in Manhattan is closing its doors, laying off employees, going bankrupt and the Trump company "offers" for the rescue. The problem is money: banks lend 30 million dollars and the cost of renovation and restoration is 100 million. The 70 million dollars that will be used comes from Fred Trump's companies fund. Donald Trump goes to city hall and demands a trade-off: multi-million dollar tax exemption for 40 years.

"Who said never waste a good crisis? I started to see Donald as the Savior of the city. He used us to get rebates and we used him to create a new program and a new vehicle and a new sense that things could happen in the city." Michael Bailkin, Secretary of Development (1974-1976).idem

Of course Trump did it, with the help and channels within the government in the person of "friend" Roy Cohn, a family lawyer, mob families, concrete mafia or construction, included. In the 1950s's Roy Cohn is at the service of Radicals for capitalism within the American judiciary, chasing, denouncing and God knows what else, in the bloodthirsty McCarthyist hunt for communists.9 In 1977 Donald married Ivana with whom he had four children. It is the beginning of TRUMPISM OR MY WAY.

(Continued part 3)


1. Sobre o tema ver: CPI das Milícias no Rio de Janeiro.;; ASSASSINATO DA VEREADORA PSOL MARIELLE FRANCO;

2. Sobre a instrumentalização política da Operação Lava jato ver:

3. Sobre a interferência da empresa Cambridge Analytica nas eleições nos EUA, Brasil e várias nações pelo mundo ver: The great hack.

4. Sobre a nominação de Trump pelo partido republicano assistir: TRUMP'S WAR. Youtube

5. Sobre ascensão e queda de Donald Trump assistir: Trump an american dream. Netflix

6. Sobre a reconstrução do ideário livre mercado sob influência da escola austríaca de economia ler: Radicals for Capitalism de Brian Doherty

7. Sobre o assunto ver 13ª Emenda, documentário Netflix.

8. Sobre a reestruturação produtiva nos Estados Unidos ler: A condição pós-moderna de David Harvey; O fim dos empregos de Jeremy Rifkin; A corrosão do caráter de R. Sennett. 

9. Sobre Roy Cohn e sua participação nos movimentos contra comunistas e movimento libertariano ler Radicals...Brian Doherty; e sua amizade com Donald Trump e serviços prestados ver Trump an american dream.

segunda-feira, 19 de julho de 2021


 TRUMPISM: A BOLSONARO IN THE WHITE HOUSE?!:;,... What is the difference between Donald Trump and bolsonaro? Both are intellectually limited, have low intelligence quotients and are ânes, but trump is a billionaire ânes. Both took Covid-19, one has fallen!

Marina da Silva

Part 1

This is not a fictional story, unfortunately, nor does it end with the election of the 46th President of the United States of America Joe Biden (2021-2024) and it will unfold for a long time and will be studied, scientifically, by all sciences in search of to apprehend, understand and metabolize how, literally, an ass was elected president of capitalist power Number One and became, from the global perspective of the West, one of the greatest geopolitical and geoeconomic disasters of all time. Meanwhile, you can only pick bits and pieces of historical events and facts here and there and tell how American voters (but not just them) elected the ass as president of the United States.1 In world history, Caligula made a senator of his horse , in the 21st century, many “anarcho-libertarian capitalist billionaire emperors”2 made donkeys... presidents! It was so...
Many historians and philosophers of political economy and other sciences agree or not, but it seems that the 21st century really started in the 20th century which in turn may have started in the 19th century and so on; an impression that remains when studying compartmentalized History, in chapters and not as a continuous process, not necessarily of order and progress due to the various conflicts and catastrophes and wars, famines and pests naturally and naturally caused by those who seek, detain and want expand wealth and power, Machiavellianly speaking. So to start navigating the current moment of “flexible, fluid, invisible and surveillance” capitalism, The Post-Modern Condition according to David Harvey3, it is necessary to go back to the time of the transition from feudalism to capitalism, in the revolution of the means of transport and communication (maritime revolution and the Age of Discoveries), in the revolution in trade in goods, in manufacturing production, in the discovery of new colonies and wealth that allowed the primitive accumulation of capital4 which in turn forged the modern, global era and the foundation, development and crystallization of the capitalist mode of production. And before turning up your nose at the books... This "complex historical journey" of the construction of human sociability can be done on the internet: Google, Youtube, Netflix, in films, series, documentaries, History, Geography classes and other sciences.5
Donald Trump was born in the 20th century, in 1946, right there in the post-World War II reconstruction period [1938-1945] known as the Golden age6, under the aegis of the STATE and flooded with collectivist, socialist, communist, anarchist, democrat economic ideas , republicans, social-democrats, etc., coming from thinkers of the 18th-19th century (Blanqui, Henri de Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, Babeuf, Bakunin, Marx, Engels, to name a few) and by the economic thought of Jonhn Maynard Keynes. The golden age is a period of great prosperity of “Social Welfare or Welfare State”, food security, job security, social security, housing, strengthening of the middle class, mass production and consumption, strong industrialization and active role of the unionism, collective associations, volunteerism, concern and defense of the environment in the so-called “first world”, in short, a golden age, of great prosperity and struggle for rights.7 White House fence covered with signs saying 'Loser' Donald Trump "You're Fired"

Riding Donald Trump's ass (2016-2020), "fired" for his acts, performances, concerts and rude and evil behavior - which shook the balance of world power, still favorable to the US - and his denial of the Covid-198 pandemic and defeat in the 2020 elections and going to Florida with him will not answer the question:

“How did the US, the capitalist superpower, “the owners and police of the world” since the 20th century, have elected an âne for president, considered the biggest geopolitical, geostrategic and geoeconomic mistake of all centuries and centuries amen?”

From an American dream9, Donald Trump became the opposite. An intellectually stunted, self-centered, mindless, idiot, lie-spreader, fake news adult; a mere failed gambler in the casinos themselves, mired in debt, suspected of financial crimes and collusion with natives (politicians and lobbyists) and with old enemies of the Americans [Russians], finally became the American nightmare democratically elected president in 2016.  donald trump e hitler. Massive use of psychological manipulation, landscapes of terror, lies, hatred, anger, rancor, genocides are novelties of the 20th century and there are Hitler and Stalin, two examples to corroborate History. Trump and Hitler have a lot in common: both wicked, without any empathy for human beings, cruel. Machiavelli, in his political guide, values "copying" the actions of past leaders, BUT those intelligent and who could found, expand and maintain POWER FOR LONG AS POSSIBLE without the corrosion, corruption and deterioration of the social-political-economic body, etc. and etc and such.

How was this possible in the twentieth century? It was the question that Europeans asked themselves in the face of Nazi-Hitlerism, Fascism, the rise of totalitarianism across Europe. It is necessary to know the history of this History going back to the period known as the Second Scientific-technological Revolution (1850); of neocolonialism; the Franco-Prussian War, the Romantic movement and the strengthening of nationalism, the German and Italian Unification, the First World War (1914-1918), the Russian Revolution (1917), the Spanish flu (1918), the Crash of the NY stock exchange (1929), from the rise of Nazism and Fascism in Europe in the 1930s, from the Second World War (1938-1945). Everything solid melts into air; that's how capitalism goes... and it is available, again, in films, series, documentaries and classes in the greatest invention of the 20th century: the INTERNET.10

Donald Trump was born rich in “construction” the son of the successful businessman Fred Trump in the “golden age” for the United States led by Roosevelt's New Deal from 1933. In this “new deal”, the State took the lead and regulation of the economy, social public policies, bank recovery, capital investment in the production process, in infrastructure, in science and technology, in financial regulation and in the world of work after the serious crisis of the thirties generated on Wall Street - breaking the financial system, known as the New York Stock Exchange crash in 1929.What is the role of the state? What was the state created for? How much “state” can capitalists support... in serious crises?OUR ENEMY, THE STATE Lapidary phrase of conservatives, neoliberals, ultra-liberals, anarcho-libertarians: THE STATE IS NOT THE SOLUTION, THE STATE IS THE PROBLEM. Prediction of the "Chicago school" based on the thought of Ludwig Mises, F. Hayeck, Milton Friedman, Barry Goldwatter, Murray Rothbart...

We are not going to enter into this dispute of the size of the STATE, a clash and confrontation of ideas that was carried out by F. Hayek (1899-1992) and J. Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), a historical economic duel that influenced and influences generations and turned into a book: KEYNES x HAYEK11.

“The origins and heritage of the greatest economic duel in history. Two of history's greatest economists, John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich August von Hayek, were on opposing sides in the biggest economic battle of all time: whether or not governments should intervene in markets. In the ruins of World War I, they both studied the boom and bust of the business cycle, reaching very different conclusions: Hayek thought that altering the "natural balance" of the economy would result in runaway inflation, while Keynes believed that mass unemployment and the misery that marked the end of a cycle could be shortened with government spending. His ideas would win and lose the support of politicians – from Franklin Roosevelt to George W. Bush – and influence the lives and livelihoods of millions. From the Great Depression to World War II, and postwar recovery to the present day, veteran journalist Nicholas Wapshott examines, in this Keynes x Hayek, the lively debates between these two twentieth-century giants whose divergent views shaped the rise and fall of economies around the world.” idem (free translate)

With the world LITERALLY destroyed, of course Keynesianism is the winner and all the defenders of free market economic, radicals for capitalism (classical liberals, republicans and neoliberal democrats, conservatives, libertarians, anarcho-libertarians) gather their wings and claws, retreat and , working hard in the United States in the following decades: Literature, journalism, seminars, leafleting, setting up laissez-faire barracks in institutes, foundations, schools and activism groups in colleges and universities  in courses in economics, administration, sociology, psychology and others, creating an International Discussion Forum in Switzerland, known as the Mont-Pélerin Society (return to liberalism) and some "churches".12

The guide to the return of the free market was written by F. Hayek: The road to serfdom13, very similar to the political guide The Prince of Nicolas Machiavelli, in my view, adheres to the origin of man as a "social being" who historically and progressively builds the complex human sociability together with other human beings14, dogs and cats excluded. Of course I cannot say this for a Nobel Prize-winning economist and philosopher15 (defender of individual human action, free selfish, radically opposed to collectivist, socialist, communist, and Jesus the Christ ideas and philosophies) and who lived the horror of almost half a century of wars, famine, pestilence in the "short century" under the empire of imperialist disputes over world markets, raw materials and labor and terrified of the bogeyman, that is, of collectivist ideas , the authoritarian state dirigisme, the planning and regulation of the economy by the defenders of communism, socialism, social democracy, systems and forms of government, which according to Hayek INEXORABLY fall apart in the totalitarianism, in state interventionism in the economy (even if the experiences of the welfare state contradict it). Fear is real as well as the historical context of greater state power over everything and everyone. No, Hayek didn't "copy/paste" Machiavelli and it's himself who clears up any doubts:

"This is a political book" and not an "essay in social philosophy" "and the "convictions expressed in it are not dictated by my personal interests" but by fundamental capital values that he believes, adheres to and defends: the resumption of economic liberalism, minimum state, economic free market, individualism, selfishness, profit. All Hayek's concern and apprehension is in the socialist, communist tendencies of the moment (Russian revolution in 1917, rise of totalitarianism in Europe in the 1930s, strengthening of ideas National Socialists, Social Democracy...) The book's thesis first appeared "in an article entitled Freedom and the Economic System, published in 1938. (HAYECK: P.9-10)

Once you learn about Barry Goldwater's The Conscience of the a Conservative16, you agree with Hayek. Indeed, this work is the quintessential guide to political action for conservatives and/or anarcho-libertarians like Roger Stone. See documentary cited in the bibliography. For capitalism's radicals, the role and size of the state is amalgamated with principles: laissez-faire, individualism, selfishness, free [human economic] action, non-collectivist, non-interventionist; against central planning and state management of the economy. There is in "conscience" permission only for a liberal rule of law, with strict formal rules for general situations, and moments of war, serious situations and/or capital crisis. Only in this minimal State [plutocratic minarchy], the Liberal Rule of Law can exist and in the context of uncertainties, irrationality and unpredictability of capitalism (Hayek, chap.6), that is, when capitalists do shit they call for State help. For Murray Rothbart even this type of "state" is not possible to exist, no state is the best state.


Pause for important information:

"Everything that the State does, a private company does and better and here I will quote the repetition of this phrase by the economists on duty at the Globo network since 1990, the date of the beginning of neoliberal practices in Brazil, carried out in the government of FHC-Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Brazilian Social Democracy Party, actually a "utilitarian state agent" employed by the United States (1994-2001). All the focus of this administration was on privatization of state-owned companies that made a lot of profit at a bargain price. The most scandalous case refers to Cia. Vale do Rio Doce. On the subject, read A Privataria Tucana. Search for the author.


Returning to the topic...

Donald Trump is “educated” in the political philosophy of the Austrian school of economics and especially “in the opportunistic fundamentalism, mean-spirited, corrupted, brazen, hypocritical of Rothbart and his pro-Macartism gang (persecution and hunt for communists, read persecution of communists American Intelligentsia*), cult of anarchic and libertarian capitalism: Right-wing anarcho-libertarianism; extreme freedom, extreme individualism and selfishness, contempt and destruction of the State. Trump already had in his bag the tradition-family-property liberal republican conservatism, tempered by racism, homophobia, latin phobia, (mainly against mexicans), misogyny,  chauvinism  and other vices overt and treated with extreme zeal and a fascination for the narcissistic and parasitic cult of the media glare and spotlight, doing anything to appear and cast their lies and reap great rewards and fans.17

Part 2

WHY DON'T DONALD TRUMP BECOME PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE 1980s, Nineties, or in the first quarter of the 21st century?   (to be continued...)



* "O termo intelligentsia (do russo:[1][2] интеллигенция, do latimintelligentia) usualmente refere-se a uma categoria ou grupo de pessoas envolvidas em trabalho intelectual complexo e criativo direcionado ao desenvolvimento e disseminação da cultura, abrangendo trabalhadores intelectuais."


2. Para entender as “nuances” conceituais sobre o que é" liberal, liberalismo" dos  radicais defensores  capitalistas do mercado econômico livre ler: Capitalismo para todos ou capitalismo para alguns de Robert Reich; Radicais pelo capitalismo de Brian Dhoreth. Ver em O caminho da servidão de F. Hayeck: "O uso a todo momento da palavra "liberal" em seu sentido originário, do século XIX,(...)Na linguagem corrente nos Estados Unidos, seu significado com frequência quase o oposto, pois, para camuflar-se movimentos esquerdistas deste país, auxiliados pela confusão mental de muitos que realmente acreditam na liberdade, fizeram com que "libera"l passasse a indicar a defesa de quase todo tipo de controle governamental."(Prefácio à edição americana, 1974:p.17. Ebook)

3. HARVEY, David. A CONDIÇÃO PÓS-MODERNA. São Paulo: editora Loyola, 1992.

4.  MARX, K. A ORIGEM DO CAPITAL. A Acumulação Primitiva. Coleção Bases 3. São Paulo, SP: Global Editora e distribuidora Ltda.1979

5.  Sobre a facilidade de conhecimento na internet ver exemplos: REVOLUÇÃO INDUSTRIAL SEC.XIX. Guerras;IMPERIALISMO ;; UNIFICAÇÃO ALEMÃ E ITALIANA; A FAMÍLIA: Jesus salva (Uso geopolítico de Cristo contra avanço mulçumano)

 6. Sobre a Golden age, momento áureo de crescimento e expansão econômica e social (1945-1973) ver:;

7. CHOMSKI, Noan. O fim do sonho americano. Documentário disponível no Youtube; REICH, R. SAVING CAPITALISM, documentário

8. Sobre a pandemia COVID-19 ainda em curso ver:;;

9. Sobre o tema ver: Donald Trum - Un American Dream. Documentário Netflix de como Trump foi “construído” por fanáticos e fãs e usado como candidato republicano para derrubar os democratas do poder (2008-2016) usando o poder de manipulação psicológica através de ódio, raiva, rancor e mentiras potencializados pela internet e uso das redes sociais e uso de dados privados de americanos, em estados-chaves pela empresa SCL GROUP- CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA; GET ME ROGER STONE documentário

10.Sobre a criação da rede mundial que conecta o mundo instantaneamente assistir: LO AND BEHOLD documentário

11. WAPSHOTT N. Keynes x Hayek: A origem e a herança do maior duelo econômico da história.  São Paulo, SP: Editora Record, 2016 em

12 .DHORETH, Brian. Radicals for Captalism: A freewilling History the Modern american Libertarian Movement. E-book. Sobre a acusação contra o CULTO Ayn Rand ver capítulo 5. OBJETIVISMO, ANARCHO-CAPITALISM, AND THE EFFECTS OF PSICHEDELICS ON FAITH AND FREEDOM, P. 225-291

13. HAYECK, F. O CAMINHO DA SERVIDÃO(1944). E-book. 


15. Ver em  "Friedrich August von Hayek (alemão: [ˈfʁiːdʁɪç ˈaʊ̯ɡʊst ˈhaɪɛk]Viena8 de maio de 1899 — Friburgo em Brisgóvia23 de março de 1992) foi um economista e filósofo austríaco, posteriormente naturalizado britânico. É considerado um dos maiores representantes da Escola Austríaca de pensamento econômico. Foi defensor do liberalismo clássico e procurou sistematizar o pensamento liberal clássico para o século XX, época em que viveu. Realizou contribuições para a filosofia do direitoeconomiaepistemologiahistória das ideiashistória econômicapsicologia, entre outras áreas. Recebeu o Prêmio de Ciências Econômicas em Memória de Alfred Nobel de 1974, "por seu trabalho pioneiro na teoria da moeda e flutuações econômicas e pela análise penetrante da interdependência dos fenômenos econômicos, sociais e institucionais", que dividiu com seu rival ideológico Gunnar Myrdal.[1]"

16. GOLDWATER, Barry M.THE CONSCIENCE OF THE A CONSERVATIVE. EUA: published by Stellar Classics. 2013. E.Book.

17. Sobre Donald Trump e seus passos ver: documentários Trump, an american dream; A Décima Terceira Emenda; Get me Roger Stone; 

The Family.PESQUISE.