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segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2024



Part 2

Marina da Silva

Why didn't Trump run for the US presidency after the 1988 elections? It seems a matter of transcendent importance, and it is, not for humanity but for Donald Trump.

But before...

Why A Bolsonaro THE WHITE HOUSE caption above? Simple, because in Brazil from 2017 onwards, the unimaginable, the nightmare jair bolsonaro, former army captain, federal deputy for over two decades, suspect along with his children in the CPI of militias-RJ1, a lazy, coarse, rude , racist, homophobic, misogynist and intellectually limited, entered the radar of the 2018 elections as an option for the probable PT return to power through the country's most beloved former president, Lula.érgio moro in the photo and deltan dellagnol unmasked by The Intercept. Moro says that denunciations of his impartiality and corruption are just fantasies. Yes, I agree, it's like the fantastic "crime assumptions" created, invented and pasted by him, Sérgio Moro and Deltan, TRF-4, Public Ministry to President Lula and at the same time, Sérgio Moro is there knowingly shielding and sparing politicians criminals from the most corrupt parties PMDB, PSDB, PP, citing the 3 most cited in the Lava Jato crimes.

Lula would be elected in the first round if Sérgio Moro, first instance judge, corrupt, partial in command of Operation Lava Jet, deltan dellagnol and corrupt judges of the TRF-4/Paraná, corrupt federal police, Federal Public Ministry and STF had not instrumentalized Operation and investigations Lava Jato transforming it into a political platform against PT members, Lula and Dilma and protecting the main and true politicians/businessmen involved in Petrobrás' crimes. Destroying the PT at any cost became the focus of OPERATION LAVA JATO, read leaks of illegal wiretapping against President Dilma and Lula, dissemination of lies, false accusations, specious investigations, highly suspicious accusations and against "due legal process, broad defense" and other basic foundations of LAW. And the most serious: Lula's arrest in April 2018 without evidence, only with assumptions created by Sergio Moro, the hero of corruption and the corrupt. Facts that were made public with Operation VAZA JATO, Intercept Brasil.2 free ass movement, free burrismo movement, puppets in the geopolitical chess of the regional power Brazil;working and serving the US (supported the coup against President Dilma, supported the usurper michel temer-PMDB, supported military intervention and bozonaro, agents from the Mises Institute, think tank brothers Koch and federations of industry and agribusiness). They believe in the free market as a being of flesh and blood, a fact taught by the guru olasno de carvalho.
bolsonaro started to be guided, treated, supported by militias on social networks (military, police, groups such as #MBL; #Cansei; (of the candidate for governor of SP João Dória)#Vemprarua; bloggers, digital influencers, journalists), all financed by politicians, Federations and associations of commerce, industry, agribusiness, ruralists and businessmen and the global support of Organizações Globo, Bandeirantes, Record, SBT, Rede TV and affiliates. After the election in the United States, Bolsaro had his ego inflated with open support from the United States and led to be Trump tupiniquim using the same methods as Donald Trump's campaign, including with the advice of Steve Bannon, arrested in 2020 for stealing money from construction of the wall against Mexican immigrants, Trump's campaign promise.
Fact that was made public before the 2018 elections: the interference linked to Bannon through the Cambridge Analytica3 company (an arm of the SCL group) propagator of fake news, hatred, psychological manipulation of voters forming bubbles of discord in Brazil, acting together with politicians, bloggers, digital influencers, the scum of TV like Datena, Ratinho, Sílvio Santos, actors from the Globo network, the rotten band of evangelical politicians and corrupt pastors like edir macedo, silas malafaia, waldomiro, everaldo, marcos feliciano, etc. bolsonaro won the elections by amalgamating and reproducing Trump's speech and image. And after the elections, in 2019 it was already considered, like Trump, the biggest geopolitical error in the history of capitalism. Steve Bannon and one of bolsonaro's sons, Edu.
Hence, Trump came to be considered and is, as stupid, ignorant, intellectually limited as the bolsonaro Ass. Both nations elected donkeys to the presidency. The difference between them? Donald Trump is a billionaire, TV show star, influencer in the art of negotiating and lying in the digital age, computerized and interconnected through the Internet and social networks, especially Twitter and Facebook. Really, two comedies, farce, without any inclination to be president of two great nations, Brazil and the United States. No one on the planet ever imagined that Trump's candidacy for the Republican Party was serious; it was a very bad joke, but it worked! The United States elected a "bolsonaro to the White House."4

The Brazilian Trump reigned in the world's "bolsonarist"  and here includes the inflated ego of the Armed Forces, intellectually depressed people, pathetic and subservient to the colonizer, highlighted by the Army's "uniformed cows" (a synonym given by one of them to the generals during the military dictatorship 1964-1985 ). Let's add to them the minions, the Christians (gospel of Capital), the Coxinhas or the dumb middle class, the poor voters who believe in the cliché "order and progress and military intervention, totaling about 57 million anti-PT voters, resentful, angry, driven by hatred, initially led by the Globo-Hate Machine Organizations, since Lula's first term (2003-2009) and in 2015 by the toucan Áecio Neves, PSDB of Minas Gerais, defeated in the 2014 elections and who will plot in Congress to usurpation of the mandate of President Dilma Rousseff, elected by more than 58 million votes in 2014 for the mandate (2015-2018). It was a coup! And stopping here not to contradict the chorus of the gays or the supporters of the "myth", currently reduced to 17% to 20% of the #bolsonarogenocida electorate in the face of the death toll by the Covid-19 pandemic.


Back to the main course: Donald "(...)Donald Trump, stated that he escaped the service by sheer luck. However, documents released by the New York Times recently contradict the tycoon's statements. (...)Trump got five exemptions from military work, four for educational reasons – the tycoon studied administration at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School – and one for medical reasons.”

Trump was born in 1946 into a millionaire family, headed by Fred Trump, a successful construction entrepreneur, and spent his childhood developing his character, in fact, bad manners. According to Ms. Trump, litleTrump loved to borrow his younger brother's legos and, using super Bond glue, built his castles.5 Lying is the most deplorable vice, says Machiavelli, who prescribes denunciation and a forum to resolve conflicts such as salutary measure against the corrosion of the social body and political body of kingdoms and republics. "When Donald was 13, his father sent him to private school for five years. Fred Trump was austere. And I think he was a teacher to his son." While Trump grows in grace and beauty, oops, selfishness, envy and greed, arrogant and spoiled, the United States consolidates itself as a global superpower having as its opponent the USSR - the Soviets; and Americans lived the unforgettable Golden Age. The free market economic spree was interrupted after the crash of the New York Stock Exchange in 1929 and an era of intervention, conduct and regulation of economic activities will gain strength from Roosevelt's New Deal in 1933 and was consolidated with World War II.

Unbridled economic liberalism, practically dead, will re-emerge like a phoenix, even in the midst of the Second World War and a new strain of conservative-liberal-neoliberal-anarcho-libertarian Democrats and Republicans begin a job of little ants giving life to end American Dream promoted by the state under the guidance of the Austrian economists Mises and Hayek within the North American soil, a nation little contaminated by the communist virus, socialist, but tending towards the welfare state.6 Trump started working with Fred early, but his dream was not to match his rigid father and/or his success as a businessman who made his fortune building popular slums in Brooklyn, but to surpass him. Freud explains. Donald was ambitious and greedy and made sure everyone knew this. “I met Donald in 1974. I met him at La Club, a private club on the Upper East Side. He was captivating. I knew right away that Donald dreamed big. The family was in the construction business, but not in Manhattan. Do something small in Brooklyn. You want to do something big, do it in Manhattan." Says Nikki Haskell, friend of the family. (Doc. Trump an american dream)

Trump got rid of the war against Vietnam and is on the side of white supremacy and in this he remained supporting actions against the movement for "Civil rights to vote, fight against racism, segregation" of blacks, women, immigrants7 while following in his father's footsteps to become a successful businessman. The star of the family, who made his fortune in construction was Trump-father, who, as far as we know, besides his talent for business, was the only king in the family that he led in an authoritarian and absolute manner. Donald trump had to support his father at various points in his youth and adult life and set out, Freudian I believe, to overcome this Gordian knot with the sword of bargaining art and pharaonic works. Trump, a highly coveted bachelor, was always seen alongside beautiful women, top models, at high society parties, but not in the society of the traditional rich. He was just another super hyper mega plus rich emerging from the middle of nowhere, unknown like a Vera Loyola or a Val Machiori Third-World and this will mark him forever.(idem)

In the 1970's, New York was known as "the city of fear". Extreme crime, very high levels of unemployment, drugs, trawlers, evictions, poverty generated by both the 1973 oil crisis, speculative financial crises and the restructuring process production: use of new raw materials, smaller industry plant, robotized, mechanization based on microelectronics, closure of industrial plants and their dispersion and geographical deterritorialization both within the country and to underdeveloped peripheral capitalist countries in Latin America and Asia, especially China and India.8 It is a moment of grave Crisis for Americans and times of crisis are times of excellent opportunity, especially if you have certain friends within the government. And Fred Trump does. Anyone who has friends has a treasure, the popular saying goes, so imagine if you're friends with the mayor of New York. All doors from public coffers will open.

"Tough times are times of great opportunity for sneaky people. Despair is the land they inherit. Abe Beam, NY mayor is a very close friend of Fred Trump. Closer than you can be. Abe Beam was waiting on the Fred Trump steps and Donald Trump to say: whatever they wanted was theirs." Wayne Barret, journalist, Village Voice.(Trump an american dream)

In 1974 Donald takes a solo flight: Commodore Hotel in Manhattan is closing its doors, laying off employees, going bankrupt and the Trump company "offers" for the rescue. The problem is money: banks lend 30 million dollars and the cost of renovation and restoration is 100 million. The 70 million dollars that will be used comes from Fred Trump's companies fund. Donald Trump goes to city hall and demands a trade-off: multi-million dollar tax exemption for 40 years.

"Who said never waste a good crisis? I started to see Donald as the Savior of the city. He used us to get rebates and we used him to create a new program and a new vehicle and a new sense that things could happen in the city." Michael Bailkin, Secretary of Development (1974-1976).idem

Of course Trump did it, with the help and channels within the government in the person of "friend" Roy Cohn, a family lawyer, mob families, concrete mafia or construction, included. In the 1950s's Roy Cohn is at the service of Radicals for capitalism within the American judiciary, chasing, denouncing and God knows what else, in the bloodthirsty McCarthyist hunt for communists.9 In 1977 Donald married Ivana with whom he had four children. It is the beginning of TRUMPISM OR MY WAY.

(Continued part 3)


1. Sobre o tema ver: CPI das Milícias no Rio de Janeiro.;; ASSASSINATO DA VEREADORA PSOL MARIELLE FRANCO;

2. Sobre a instrumentalização política da Operação Lava jato ver:

3. Sobre a interferência da empresa Cambridge Analytica nas eleições nos EUA, Brasil e várias nações pelo mundo ver: The great hack.

4. Sobre a nominação de Trump pelo partido republicano assistir: TRUMP'S WAR. Youtube

5. Sobre ascensão e queda de Donald Trump assistir: Trump an american dream. Netflix

6. Sobre a reconstrução do ideário livre mercado sob influência da escola austríaca de economia ler: Radicals for Capitalism de Brian Doherty

7. Sobre o assunto ver 13ª Emenda, documentário Netflix.

8. Sobre a reestruturação produtiva nos Estados Unidos ler: A condição pós-moderna de David Harvey; O fim dos empregos de Jeremy Rifkin; A corrosão do caráter de R. Sennett. 

9. Sobre Roy Cohn e sua participação nos movimentos contra comunistas e movimento libertariano ler Radicals...Brian Doherty; e sua amizade com Donald Trump e serviços prestados ver Trump an american dream.

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