Marina da Silva
Anyway... Trumpism! A quick search on uncle Google and you will find the meaning:
"trumpism trɐ̃ˈpiʒmu male name
1. POLITICS set of political principles and practices associated with Donald Trump, 45th US President
2. POLICY period of governance led by Trump
3. POLITICS political movement or posture in support of Trump and/or his policies De Trump, anthroponym + -ism ”1
And clearly these are quite simple and fake trumpism meanings, as they do not encompass the complexity of what is/was the “ultra-neoliberal moment” Donald J. Trump in command of the most powerful capitalist nation in the world, the United States of America. Trumpism did not emerge from the middle of nowhere and nowhere and even less from the head of Donald Trump, a newborn baby wetting and soiling disposable diapers in 1946. But Donald J. Trump and “Trumpism” were born in the historical context bathed in ideas , ideologies, philosophies and economic policies under state interventionism (in the Keynesian mold) that dominated the West since the beginning of the 20th century and especially after the Second World War.
Trumpism, abusing this term, was the reaction perpetrated and guided by the thought of the Austrian school of economics in the United States in the fierce and radical defense of capitalism2 under the aegis of laissez-faire economic liberalism: free market, private property, individualism, freedom extreme of doing what you want and taking your chances with your own money and body without any interference from the Leviathan, ops, State, considered for centuries as “a necessary evil” in the capital struggle of everyone against everyone.3 Yes, the State is a “human creation” as well as politics, the family and private property.4 It is the administration and domain of the social body and political body for/by the strongest, those who, according to Machiavelli, want and do anything thing to have, control, maintain, expand political, economic, social power, control and application of violence, etc, etc. and such over others, also known as the "social rabble" and the people.5 The individual is bad and he practices evil by nature whenever he wants “power/wealth” (read to maintain, accumulate, expand wealth), says Machiavelli, T. Hobbes and many who came before them and after and here is the “History of Civilizations” for not/or let them lie.
"(...)it is much safer to be feared than loved. Because men in general are ungrateful, fickle, false, cowardly, ambitious and as long as you succeed, they are entirely yours, they offer their own blood, their goods, life and children, (...) as long as the need is far away; but when it approaches, they turn against you."idem
The emergence, flourishing and crystallization of the capitalist production system and the transformation of everything into a commodious and salable commodity6 will only enhance this, give clearer contours on those who want power and wealth at any cost to destroy, subjugate, exploit, expropriate and dominate others (individuals, peoples, nations, empires).
Using scientific-technological knowledge applied to production, mainly from the mid-19th century onwards, A Wealth of Nations7 takes giant steps, furthering dispute, competition, greed and will collapse in the 20th century into: First World War (1914-1918) and the rise of nationalisms (romantic movement), totalitarianism8 leaving a balance of about 20 million dead, as well as injuries and sequelae; crises of hunger, poverty, misery; Russian revolution and the option/opposition to savage capitalism (1917) with the formation of the USSR-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics federation; the Spanish flu (1918), the world financial crisis (New York stock market crash in 1929); World War II (1938-1945), and many other evils. But for all capitalist ills there is a cure: State intervention. Did you think of the Smithian invisible hand regulating a highly irrational, volatile, explosive mechanism? This is one of the "ideas" and the main "myth" and lie applied by capitalists and peers to civil society. The State is also a cure for socialist regimes, communists and such, including anarchism, explain anarchists to Brian Dorhet in the book cited here. Do not confuse production system with forms of government. A state can be communist-capitalist or capitalist-social-democratic or socialist-capitalist like the Chinese dragon.
"The basic principles of liberalism do not contain any element that makes it a stationary creed, no fixed and immutable rule. The principle that we must make the most of the spontaneous forces of society and resort to coercion as little as possible can have an infinite variety of applications. ". ATTENTION! 1929 crisis? NOT. Many like me, use this photo relating it to THE CRASH OF 1929, this is because a Google search gives this image as from the Crash period. In fact this photo next to the "American Dream of Prosperity" billboard was taken in 1937 during a flood of the Great Ohio River and the homeless people in the photo are queuing for food and clothing, etc., in the city of Louisville, Kentucky.Margareth Bourke-White. Time & life Pictures. [Fonte:]
"Occurred between the First and Second World Wars, the 1929 Crisis was one of the most impactful events in Contemporary History. This crisis occurred in September and October 1929, in the United States, when the value of shares on the Stock Exchange New York (to which the world economy was integrated at the time) plummeted, causing its “crash.” The crash of the New York Stock Exchange triggered, in turn,the Great American Depression, which lasted until the mid-1930s."
How good it is to praise "world peace", democracy, be liberal pacifist fierce, defending the sovereignty of nations, myths of the free market as an option and the best conductor of a free society10, free individuals, all rich, healthy and happy making their free choices, a "Brave new world"11, managed by capitalist friends, fraternal colleagues , sharing the market with joy, of course, in a micro-region, on an island, on Mars, in the world of ideas. In real life capitalists behave like barbarians, savages, each for himself and with a single motto: I'M THE BEST FUCK THE REST currently known as the philosophy of "fucking" (pressing the fuck button), no matter what whether capitalism is communist, socialist, democratic, anarchist or thank "God Above all armed homeland Brazil God is D+!"*
*genocidal bolsonaro election campaign
To paraphrase Nietzsche: Is radical economic liberalism dead or is the god Capital dead in the 20th century? Well, for those who were born there in the final years of the 19th century, it was a possibility. The clear vision was of inevitability and crystallization of "laissez-faire -given by the technological-scientific surge known as the "second industrial revolution", mid-19th century- but what followed was not so much the consolidation of wild capitalism, but races and disputes over "vital spaces" to its development: the Franco-Prussian war, neocolonialism, the formation of the nation-states of Germany, Italy; the strengthening of nationalist, patriotic, imperialist, totalitarian sentiments, the strong growth of extremism on the right and on the left, and the exponential increase in the role of the state as the regulator and savior of the motherland, literally against liberalism, socialism and democracy. What went wrong? The belief in magical solutions and control of a highly unpredictable, irrational system by an "invisible-hand" on the "players' heads" (using a fashionable term) without the super, ops, "manager" (state) has gone to hell ? Did the State win?
Advocates of free market, private property, individualism, anti-socialist/communist, anti-economic planning, anti-dirigism, anti-intervention and state regulation of economic affairs abhor the state. Abhor? Of course not. They abhor the welfare state, the paternalistic state, the owner and investor state [in health, education, housing, infrastructure; regulator of the world of work, wages, interfering in capitalist negotiations, mainly in financial speculation on the stock exchange, banks, labor market, social rights, etc.], directing the economy. Hayek defends the presence of the State and justifies it and outlines the legally permitted existence: the Liberal State of Law, better known today as the company-state, one that: either helps capitalist entrepreneurs or gets out of their way12. Hayek knows that the state is the necessary evil, that is, a utilitarian mechanism for liberals.
"There is a huge difference between deliberately creating a system in which competition produces the greatest possible benefits, and passively accepting institutions as they are." (HAYEK: ch. 1. p.37-46)
And who will disagree with Hayek, Nobel laureate in economics, when we know that the golden age of nineteenth-century liberalism took place under the auspices of the state? Paradox? Of course not. It's historical fact and Brian Dorhet won't let me lie, although he maximizes the "entrepreneurship" of liberals in this century and since the "founding of the United States" by the founding fathers. The Austrian intelligentsia coming to America, mother of the so-called "Chicago School" and which prescribes the neoliberal state in the 20th century as a reaction to state interventionism after World War II, is a supporter of the "minimum state":
"The distinction we have established between the creation of a permanent structure of laws - within which productive activity is guided by individual decisions - and the management of economic activities by a central authority is thus clearly characterized as a particular case of more general distinction between the rule of law and arbitrary government." (HAYEK: chap.6; p.89-100)
There remains the "crucial doubt and small findings in the absence of bigger ones", writer José Zokner13 would say: what went wrong with the perfect system of leading society, radical liberalism, which came to be execrated and banished to hell in the 20th century ? I call on Hayek to respond appropriately with this poignant coiner's lament with the most false of coins:
"When the course of civilization takes an unexpected turn, when, instead of the continuous progress that we are used to expecting, we are threatened by evils that we associate with the barbarism of the past - we blame everything but ourselves.(...) Were not our efforts and hopes aimed at greater freedom, justice and prosperity? (...) the ideas that over the past generation were followed by most men of good will and determined great changes in our social life could not be wrong" . (HAYECK, ch. 1, p.37-46)
It is necessary to start all over again, to resurrect the “idea” that never dies, will say Ludwig Mises and F. Hayek and in a place far from contamination, Hayek calls “infection”14 of socialist, communist, social-democracy, and dirigisme ideas , planning and State interventionism, far from the collectivist ideas dear to the century of the Enlightenment and Humanists and Christian ideas (Jesus Christ); of ideas from Égalité, Fraternité, Liberté for all, of communities of brothers living in common and joyfully sharing bread and goods - something Europeans do! The chosen place: United States, one of the three countries in North America, situated between Mexico to the south and Canada to the north. Mises and Hayek are wrong, not quite wrong, but socialist, communist and anarchist ideas are present in the United States and worse still, after the “New York Stock Exchange crash” in 1929, the call for state intervention became the order of the day for conservatives in the Republican and Democratic parties with FD Roosevelt's New Deal policies. The mission of resurrecting economic liberalism without any regulation beyond the Smithian “invisible hand” will be a Herculean task where not even the liberals even understand the name of the “movement”: Liberal? Neoliberal? Anarcho-capitalism (left and/or right)? Leftist-nihilism? Conservatism? Neoconservatism? Rooted liberalism? Conservative rightism? Anarcho-syndicalism? Progressive leftism? Right & Left?
Only the "chosen" (Calvinist predestination law and neo-evangelist prosperity theology) adjust to the irrationality of capitalism, its eternal truths and understand the mystery of the "invisible hand", a legacy of the liberal virtues of the "refined" British people who succumbed to collectivism in the 20th century and they, the radicals for capitalism, have the historic mission of passing on this knowledge, but still at the moment known as the “Golden Age” or Welfare State, in the United States: prosperity, social welfare , jobs, rising middle class income, strengthening unions, social security, health insurance, unemployment insurance, retirement, social public policies for Education...etc. It's the same as preaching in the desert:
"Hard to explain to your neighbor or someone sitting next to you at a dinner party why legalizing drug trafficking or prostitution or wiping out public education funds was vital to America's future freedom." (Radicals to capitalism, p.3000-3002)15.Free translation
Meanwhile... Donald Trump was growing up in grace and beauty, bathed and soaked in the worst of the United States: ideals of Anglo-Saxon white supremacy, inferiority of blacks, Asian immigrants (Chinese in emphasis), Latinos (Mexicans especially) , misogyny, homophobia, fighting against civil rights defending the Jimmy Crown and Ku-Klus-Klan Act - segregation and extermination of blacks.15 The radicals for capitalism elaborated plans and practical guides for the LITERAL seizure of power and establishment of the neoliberal state:
1. Formation of scientific-philosophical theories under the responsibility of Mises, Hayek and Milton Friedman (founders of the Mont Pélerin Society - international liberal arm and head and of the Bastiat club);
2. Obtain funds for FEE: educate, train task workers and workers to spread the "free market economy" in newspapers, literature, schools, churches and the like and domesticate the population in the ideals of neoliberal society under the charge of Leonard Read and his " gang";
3. Adding to the catechesis of neoliberal cult (Mises/Hayek fundamentals) and anarcho-libertarian ideas and objectivism (Ayn Rand) whose objective is to totally destroy the "state" of welfarism using enemies and their totalitarian weapons (Hitler/Stalin), in free market, private property, individualism, selfishness. What is left to Murray Rothbard. Of course, the intellectual aristocracy of the "Austrian school of economics" needs servants not to get their hands dirty:
"New York-born economist, philosopher and journalist Murray Rothbard is loved and rejected by the great passion of many fellow libertarians. He was equally at home in building institutions and political movements and in rarefied realms of economics and political philosophy and equally capable of making enemies in any field (...)Rothbard crossed Rand's orbit and became convinced by the natural rights tradition after his initial training in Mises' utilitarian economics. He is . . . the one whose influence explains most about what makes the ideas, behavior, and general flavor of American libertarianism unique; (...) He lacks the almost universal respect of Milton Friedman as an economist and commentator. He doesn't have Rand's great cult following. He does not have Hayek's academic influence."16 Free Translation
Rothbard is the radicalization necessary for the implantation of the neoliberal state that the "intelligentzia" blue blood does not allow itself to profess openly: militarization of the state, destruction of the Welfare State (politics of the New Deal 1933), appropriation of the state for single purposes (radical libertarian ideas included) with the "weapons" of the Nazi and Stalinist totalitarian regimes. Rothbard considers them excellent weapons for any system, a great novelty found explicitly in Machiavelli's sixteenth-century thought and reduced to the slogan: "the ends justify the means" and vice versa. What will exist after state suppression/decrease? A select private group of billionaires guaranteeing and regulating privileges for "the chosen ones" in various parts of the world: bankers, industrialists, financiers, investors and/or speculators, oil kings, natural gas, minerals, cattle, monocultures, weapons of war, construction civil, to name a few. In 1973, and in the serious oil crisis, the start or OPERATION takes place: implantation of the neoliberal state in Chile and in the midst of Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship; and its success demonstrates in practice that the “Chicago School” plan creates the consensus that the neoliberal state is applicable and manageable in both authoritarian regimes and democracies. In 1979 it is the turn of the United Kingdom with M. Thatcher; R. Reagan in 1980 in the United States; in 1990 in Brazil. Neoliberalism won!
And Trump? In the seventies he is a playboy enjoying the crazy life.
“Trump already had in his baggage the tradition-family-property liberal republican conservatism, tempered by racism, homophobia, Latin phobia, (especially against Mexicans), misogyny, chauvinism and other vices explicit and treated with extreme zeal and a fascination for the narcissistic and parasitic cult of the glare and spotlight of the media, doing anything to appear and cast their lies and reap great fruits and fans”17
Starts working with Trump-father in construction, marries Ivana in 1977 and is friends with Roy Cohn, a devil's advocate, oops, construction mafias. In the 1980s, successful billionaire and super entrepreneur Trump goes shopping and with the help of a ghost writer (ghost-whriter Tony Schwartz) he publishes his first book: The art of negotiation, a tremendous success! In the 1990s, bankrupt and indebted Donald is the fake poster boy for the “American Dream” for a hopeless generation, with very low self-esteem, unemployed or working to survive in precarious jobs, fighting for vacancies with legal and illegal immigrants, distrusting politics and "traditional" politicians without understanding that they are victims of both the productive restructuring and deindustrialization of the country, of technological innovations that allow the territorial dispersion of part or even of all production to other countries, causing enormous structural unemployment, robotization and mechanization based on microelectronics , weakening unionism, reduced income, increased working hours; victims of the financial crises engineered on Wall Street and mainly by the dismantling of the Roosevelt Social Welfare State and the implantation of the neoliberal state from Reagan, Clinton, Bushes. In Donald Trump there is truth... He wants to be the next president, but only if he has a clear chance of winning, that is, with a mega crisis in the United States. But the 20th century is over...
( To be continued...)
1. Trumpismo in Dicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesa sem Acordo Ortográfico [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora, 2003-2021. [consult. 2021-04-06 15:09:16]. Disponível na Internet:
2. Sobre este momento histórico ver: DORERTH, Brian. Radicals for Captalism: A freewilling History the Modern american Libertarian Movement. e-book.
3. HOBBES, Thomas. Leviathan (1651)
5. MAQUIAVEL, Nicolau. O Príncipe. São Paulo/SP: Universo dos Livros Editora Ltda. 2009. ISBN 978-85-99187-94-4
6. MARX, Karl. O CAPITAL. Crítica da Economia Política. Livro I. Rio de Janeiro/RJ: Civilização Brasileira,1998. Vol. 1.Livro Primeiro: O processo de produção do capital. Mercadoria e Dinheiro, p. 51-172.
7. SMITH, Adam. A Riqueza das Nações. E-book
8. Sobre Totalitarismo ver: ARENDT, H. ORIGENS DO TOTALITARISMO: Antissemitismo, imperialismo, totalitarismo. Editora Companhia de Bolso. e-book; História Online: curso HG. Regimes totalitários
10. MISES, Ludwig. A AÇÃO HUMANA.. Um tratado de economia. 1949. ISBN978-85-62816-39-0.; INTERVENCIONISMO, UMA ANÁLISE ECONÔMICA. e.BOOK
11. HUSLEY, Aldous. Admirável mundo novo. E-book
12. ALVES, Ana Carolina Timo. AS REFORMAS EM MINAS GERAIS: choque de gestão, avaliação de desempenho e alterações no trabalho docente. UFMG 2006. Seminário Regulação Educacional e trabalho docente. UERJ.
13. ZOKNER, José.
15.Sobre o assunto ver documentarios Netflix: A DÉCIMA TERCEIRA EMENDA; AMEND (Décima quarta Emenda); TRUMP na american dream.
16. DOHERT, Brian. Radicals for Captalism: A freewilling History the Modern american Libertarian Movement. P.426-453. "New york-born economist, philosopher, and journalist Murray Rothbard is both loved and rejected cith great passion by vrious fellow libertarians. He was equally at home in the scrum of instititution building and movements politics and in rarified realms of economics and political philosophy and equally capable of making enemies in either area(...) Rothbard intersected Rand's orbit and became sold on the natural rights tradition from her after his initial backgroud in Mises's utilitarian economics. He is(...) the one whose influence explains most about what makes the ideas, behavior, and generl flavor of American libertarianism unique; (...) He lacks Milton friedman's almost universal respect as an economist and commentator. He lacks rand's huge cult following. He lacks Hayek's academic influence."
17. SILVA, M. Trumpismo. Parte 1, 2, 3;,;