LIFESTYLE $1.99: THE SUBMISSION OF EUROZONE"The Brazilian has a passion for luxury", says G. Lipovetsky.
This sentence eternalizes the thinking of the greatest philosopher of the Brazilian carnival: Joãosinho Trinta, who always defended the luxury, the ostentation, the glamor of a party made by poor citizens, low income, favelados from all over Brazil: "Poor like luxury"!
Marina da Silva
That Maoist China would be one of the most important powers in the world, capitalistically speaking, the world knew! Even one of the main geopolitical concerns after the mid-twentieth century was to be "Preparing for the 21st Century."
When Mao Zedong came to power his goal was economic leaps and cultural revolution - read: China's capital development under communist authoritarianism and ideological voluntarism, which he achieved while alive and left testamentated in the red book to his successor Deng Xiaping responsible by the phenomenal economic growth of the country. The accelerated industrialization in China had its reverse in the de-industrialization of the United States and other countries of the so-called First World and developing countries like Brazil.
When the post-World War II "Golden Age" ended [European economic recovery, Japan and the rise of Asian tigers and increased competition for markets] the formula found to combat the fall in the rate of profits was the productive restructuring (heavy use of labor-saving technologies through robotization, mechanization based on microelectronics, technological revolution in transport and computerization, biotechnologies, etc.) and the deterritorialization or geographical spread of production to countries with abundant labor and / or slave labor, raw materials , weak or nonexistent trade unionism, tax breaks, donations and other benefits offered by Asian hosts, mainly China, Tigers and India.
The Chinese dragon thanked, strengthened attending the capitalist call of the "first world" and metamorphosed into the mode of production of the century: communism-capitalism where authoritarianism and ideological dictatorship voluntarily or not, sustain the Chinese capitalist-communist farce!
The world was producing in China and this invaded the planet with original products made in China and China's fake products! Parallel production was not in the agreement, but it took the nations out of assault. An exemplary case is the Chinese invasion in Brazil and Latin America since the mid-90s! Several companies were knockout unable to compete with Chinese products; some closed the doors; others adopted Lifestyle $1.99**; many without any modesty have joined the generics and piracy! Falsification, piracy, generic, falseta are synonymous on the planet for products made in China! All that is true ... is fake! Picture: "Some people are so fake that they should get behind the neck a tattoo written: made in China"
Brazil opened doors, legs and prostrated the $ 1.99 as a way to win elections, inflation, risk Brazil, trawlers and popular revolts! FHC (1994-2002) was a government that facilitated the new way of life by sub-investing in health, education, housing, food, transportation, basic sanitation, salary reduction, privatizations, voluntary redundancies, etc., but mainly by dismantling the highways and the control of Chinese products and illegal immigrants! From 1998 to 2002 happened $1.99 trade explosion. A new lifestyle was created: the 1.99 lifestyle, corrupted, low quality material and human, without any commitment or responsibility, social, environmental, work, nothing!
Foto Marina da Silva. Belo Horizonte. MG. On each corner a shop $1.99.
The invasion in Brazil took place in rapid stages, trampling the street vendors, the false goods of the Paraguai, the national distributors taking the camelódromos and fair-shops (places created for the sellers of Brazilian streets and craftsmen), luxury malls and currently occupies legally hyper shopping centers like Brás in São Paulo and all the central shopping area of Belo Horizonte!
The promiscuity of the capitalists, prominent in the first world, caused much greater damage than the September 11, 2001 attack! Bin Laden exposed the weakness of the US defense system; made in China caused unemployment, poverty, misery, suffering, despair, weakness to the people of the various countries who gave in to corruption and destruction of societies envied and imitated by the quality of life of its inhabitants, by the refinement of aesthetic, moral, material and spiritual!
The promiscuity of the capitalists, prominent in the first world, caused much greater damage than the September 11, 2001 attack! Bin Laden exposed the weakness of the US defense system; made in China caused unemployment, poverty, misery, suffering, despair, weakness to the people of the various countries who gave in to corruption and destruction of societies envied and imitated by the quality of life of its inhabitants, by the refinement of aesthetic, moral, material and spiritual! "The number of poor people in the European Union (EU) can reach up to 145 million in 2025. In 2011, the number of poor people in the organization was already 120 million in the 27 EU countries (before Croatia joined that year ), equivalent to the Brazilian population in four regions (North, Northeast, South and Center-West).
From the 1980s, the Enlightenment ideals of human progress and the building of a sociability created by men and women for men and women go out of the field!
If in 2007 the Brazilians did Christmas $1.99 in Europe (Euro zone) the population did not see with good eyes the increase of Chinese fake products sold in the streets and commercial galleries or in the mega-fairs of imported in the United States!
If in 2007 the Brazilians did Christmas $1.99 in Europe (Euro zone) the population did not see with good eyes the increase of Chinese fake products sold in the streets and commercial galleries or in the mega-fairs of imported in the United States! "Did you also have a Crhristmas made in China?"
" Watch, shorts, T-shirt and sneakers. Just pannetone made in Brasília"
" Watch, shorts, T-shirt and sneakers. Just pannetone made in Brasília"
While in Brazil, legalized in the Lula administration (2005), the Chinese extinguished the use of "iron heads" to occupy the camelódromos and shopping malls of street vendors, citizens of Venice, Florence, Madrid, London, Paris, Naples and Rome lived with piracy and fake products on the streets and tourist spots, leaving entrepreneurs increasingly powerless! Only the severe crisis of 2007/2008 that wiped out the American economy and razed several nations in the European Union (2011), the high unemployment levels, impoverishment of large contingent of people was able to destroy the first world pride and make them captive to the world $1.99.
Fotos Marina da Silva. Outubro/2007. Paris and Venice
As it did in Brazil, the Chinese dragon penetrated Europe through the streets, from this to the retail and wholesale system dividing the population into two groups: a small portion to which refined products, high luxury and most of the population are destined the false garbage , generic, pirate and Lifestyle 1.99!
England: one day "lady of the world", incomparable naval power, today openly defend the 99P (pounds)! It is the British fever of the moment, joining the world $ 1.99 in the world of royalty!
Jammed by the crisis, indebted, impoverished North Americans and Europeans swallow their pride and fill the 99P trade ($ 10 US and from $ 1.99 in Brazil). We must survive this massification and dehumanization of the human being!
Every day the gap between rich and poor widens and the middle class A goes shopping in establishments without any class!
This flexible capitalist phase has corrupted and prostituted us and lowered us materially and spiritually, unwittingly collaborating with a system that expropriates, exploits and kills workers everywhere, especially Chinese and Indians!
Luxury, refinement, class is only accessible to a tiny portion of the world population; to other human beings remains to swallow the pride and to submit to the Lifetsyle $1.99 or 99P that labels of snobbery and stupid ostentation the dream of a better life of luxury, of quality products! It is no longer possible to dream of the style Nec Plus ultra, the Best, class A!
Mosaic fromde and Marina's photos
What is most annoying in this new way of life is not the poverty material, spiritual and moral prostitution to which we are thrown, but especially corruption and spiritual corrosion, the inversion of values, the dazzle with the small, pimp, false, class C! The underdeveloped countries flirted with the rich life of the First World countries today the dream is over! The American dream for all is over! "Life of cattle, people marked, people happy". Save Zé Ramalho
The world walks with broad steps towards massification, dehumanization and loss of the ideals of progress and construction of a more human sociability! Behind the products made in China is the construction of a rough, poor world, where individuals are transformed into cattle, into mere undifferentiated apes! "Brave new cattle"!
Underdevelopment, material poverty, moral and spiritual weakness, corruption of human values are the new capitalist world order! Loss of prospects, disappointment, survival, absent future. It is possible ... to resist
Underdevelopment, material poverty, moral and spiritual weakness, corruption of human values are the new capitalist world order! Loss of prospects, disappointment, survival, absent future. It is possible ... to resist WHERE IS MARINA DA SILVA? I'm here and SCREAMING on the trombone!
quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2018
BRAZIL. ELEIÇÕES 2018 O POVO HADDADptou, as pesquisas...NÃO.
Marina da Silva
Crônica de uma cagada, ops, pesquisa mal intencionada.
Pode-se-ia até pensar que o desaparecimento dos votos dos eleitores de Lula, especialmente, os votos do exército vermelho petista é um caso de Investigação Discovery, um mistério para o maior investigador da História mundial Sherlock Holmes, a fenomenal personagem criada por Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, mas não carece de tanta pompa e circunstância não. É facílimo explicar para onde foram os votos dos eleitores de Lulinha #lulahaddadmanú nas série de pesquisas eleitorais de Setembro. A primeira pesquisa saiu quentinha da Silva dia 03 afirmando que Bolsonaro está melhor que Marina, Ciro, Alckmin, Lula Haddad, Amôedo e Álvaro Dias. Será? Vamos então rumorejar, como diria o amado e saudoso amigo José Zokner, sobre os dados estatísticos, mas deixando de lado todo o texto sem nexo nem plexo da revista online Infomoney que tem o objetivo claro de obscurecer e manipular a cabeça do eleitor. Vamos aos dados de O3-09-2018. FSB/BANCO PACTUAL.
1.Dados sem forçar a barra e encher o saco chateando os eleitores, isto é, induzindo sua escolha:
Bolsonaro sobe de 19% para 21%
A escolha da fonte maiúscula para Lula é apenas o reflexo do AMOR do povo brasileiro a ele, uns 90% da população de 208 milhões de brasileiros;
2. Dados engolindo, ops, admitindo LULA AMORZÃO candidato goela abaixo como engolimos o técnico da seleção brasileira Zagalo:
Bolsonaro 22% fica 22%
Bolsonaro vai de 22% para 26%, UMA ELEVAÇÃO FENOMENAL, ESTRASTÓSFERICA... em Nárnia;
Marina cai para 11%; o mesmo com Alckimin 8%; já Ciro sobe para 12%;
HADDADptei/Mauela de 5% vai para 6%????? Aqui os votos do EXÉRCITO VERMELHO petista e simpatizantes somem do meio do nada e não vão para lugar nenhum, mais conhecido como Beleléu!
Por que desapareceram com os votos dos petistas e simpatizantes? Simples:
HADDAD VIROU LULA E GANHA NO PRIMEIRO TURNO visto que os eleitores de Lula postam nas suas redes sociais...HaddadPTei.
Como sei que Haddadptei ganha no primeiro turno? Uso de bola de cristal? Claaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaro...que não! Tenho excelente memória e lembro do "Caso Erundina", à época do PT, que ganhou as eleições municipais de São Paulo em 1988 com votos que não apareciam em nenhum instituto sério de pesquisa (instituto sério? Estou debochando, sendo irônica) foi considerada como uma "zebra" e morreu assunto. Então, claro que logo em seguida suspeitei do mesmo estratagema e fui procurar os votos vermelhos e nãos os achei em nenhum outro candidato [são 17 presidenciáveis], nem nos eleitores que votarão NULO, BRANCO, JUSTIFICARÃO AUSÊNCIA NAS ELEIÇÕES E NEM NOS INDECISOS!
• BOLSA CAI. Uai a pesquisa diz qui o Bolsa subiu - Você poderia me acusar de fake news - MAS... o que caiu foi a BOVESPA, A BOLSA DE VALORES e a confiança dos investidores, especuladores e toda a corja de aproveitadores e exploradores do Estado brasileiro;
• O respeitabilíssimo jornal THE ECONOMIST publicou suas impressões reais sobre o candidato Bolsonaro: DESASTROSO, LEIA-SE: esta mania do candidato de intervenção militar, armamentismo, patriotismo, “nacionalismo Enéias” é absolutamente CONTRÁRIA ao livre mercado, ao Lassaiz-faire libertariano atual e em moda, ou seja liberdade sem nenhuma interferência de ESTADO, mesmo que seja o "Estado mínimo" Tucano, etc. O que significa que para Bolsonaro é melhor "JAIR" DANDO O FORA! He, he, he
• Ciro Gomes abaixou drasticamente a testa e topete e as altas taxas de testosterona; agora Ciro tem o "saco vermelho" e DECLAROU abertamente que prefere os MORTADELAS, forma pejorativa, deselegante, discriminadora e intolerante aos pobres eleitores pobres de LULA LÁ LÁ, o pai dos pobres. E Ciro em termos de elegância... é um T-REX!
• ALKIMIN muito entusiasmado pensa que vai ter chances de ir para o segundo turno e começou a bolar um plano perfeito de ação para passar Bolsonaro com bala de prata. Donde se conclui que Bolsonaro não está com esta bola cheia, não saiu dos 22%, não merece plano bala de ouro;
• No mesmo dia da pesquisa foi acionado "O MECANISMO PADILHA e sérgio moro" (em exibição na Netflix em ano eleitoral) e... do meio do nada surgiu um PROCESSO contra HADDADptei. Nestas alturas do campeonato, ops, eleições é... O MESMO QUE DESESPERO, confissão de FRACASSO. A missão não foi cumprida! O nome do Padilha em letras maiúsculas é para destacar a super hiper mega plus blaster "pisada de bola" ao criar uma série FAKE NEWS, fundamentada num livro FAKE do filho de Míriam Leitão/ Organizações Globo/ Inovare. Já sérgio moro, merece ser apagado da HISTÓRIA BRASILEIRA! Mas coloquei aqui o que ele é: minúsculo.
• "FERNANDO HADDAD É LULA", estampado no Jornal Estadão nas "Últimas notícias".
• HADDAD FOI PEGO...rindo à toa!
• LULA, "O cara", elogio feito a Lula por ninguém menos que Barack Obama, o único presidente norte-americano que causou simpatia e respeito ao mundo inteiro, Brasil incluso, tramou tudo o que está acontecendo desde 2015 e agora de dentro da prisão política em que o colocaram os operadores do direito sérgio moro PF e do TRF4. Estou bege, oca, passada...SQN [só que não, linguagem das redes sociais]! PRESOS, os caciques petistas bolaram este fenomenal estratagema...antes do golpe de Estado ocupando as ruas e a mídia e recuperando uma força bélica excepcional. Tiro o chapéu! Geopolítica e geoestratégias impecáveis!
• MARINA DA SILVA, eu, HADDAPTou! Era a favor do voto nulo/branco/justificado até entender a Lava jato e o golpe de Estado que destituiu a presidenta eleita Dilma Rousseff em 31-08-2015. Estava em depressão política, confesso.
Considerações finais:
No dia seguinte a esta pesquisa acima, dia 04-09-2018, saiu a super PESQUISA, ISTO É, VEJA, IBOPE das Organizações GLOBO e do ESTADÃO. Com a mesma estratégia e estupidez, dando sumiço nos votos do EXÉRCITO VERMELHO.2
E PASMEM! O IBOPE E O DATA FOLHA SUSPENDEM SUAS PESQUISAS!3 A desculpa esfarrapada é que vão esperar a decisão da elegibilidade ou não de Lula, MAS sabendo que com ou sem LULA o próximo presidente é Fernando Haddad/Manuela. É melhor assumir e tirar os votos dos eleitores de LULAHADDAD da cartola antes do vexame, este é meu conselho!