Marina da Silva
Part 6
If you have followed the series of texts on "Trumpism" (parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) here on the blog, you clearly know, or not, that I use the term "trumpism" to designate, in fact, what is conventionally called of neoliberalism or return to free economic market practices and the entire complex economic, political, geopolitical, geoeconomic, geostrategic, social, cultural, etc. process that comes in the neoliberal package within the context of globalization, technical-scientific revolution applied to production and reflexes in the world of work, the revolution in the means of transport and communication from the 1970s.1
The 20th century brought serious concerns to the capitalist system and order: interventionism2, regulation of the economic market, planning and management through the state of a system that does not support regulation, demarcation, protectionism, blocks or obstacles of any kind to its growth and development. In fact, the capitalist system suffers, suffers from this necessary condition: to continuously replicate itself in an expanded way over everything and everyone geometrically to keep itself alive and bets on innovations to maintain high profit rates, even if these "innovations" are, in the world of work, the return to precarious and savage forms of exploitation of labor (practices that led to struggles for social and labor rights such as working hours, wages, etc.) as the use of work analogous to slavery and even slavery of the hand of workmanship. And the 20th century not only challenged savage capitalism, it also banked real experiences of new orders for the system:
* World War I (1914-1918);
* The Russian socialist revolution in 1917 during World War I;
* The totalitarian experiences of National Socialism and Fascisms (Germany, Spain, Italy, citing the most important ones);
* Social democracy, anarchy;
* The NY Stock Exchange Crash in 1929;
* F. D. Roosevelt's New Deal - 1933 in response to the great depression that came with the financial crisis of 1929 (Inspiration for the Welfare State of Keynes);
* The Second World War and the victory of Keynesian ideas applied in Europe in reconstruction;
* Division of the world into two blocks: "communists vs. capitalists and the "Cold War"...etc
Laissez-faire or the chant of the free market, that is, no regulation, intervention, planning of the economic market by the state (labor market included), private property, extreme individualism, selfishness, greed (all for me, nothing to the others); freedom (doing what you want with your own money and other people's money) the fundamental foundations of capitalism were threatened with the strengthening of socialist, communist, anarchist, social-democracy and national-socialism ideas.3 Even in the "golden age" of capitalism monopolist, much praised by the "Radicals for capitalism" astonishingly, the growth and development of the system takes place under the aegis and auspices of the STATE.4 Yes, the state has always been and will always be at the service of capitalists, especially big capital. Warnings about the dangers of growing and seductive state interventionism are present in the speeches of politicians and economists. The main thinkers occupied with the imminent danger of "interventionism" are Ludwig Mises and FA Hayek of the Austrian school of economics and their works are the foundations and bases for the strategic resumption of the free market ideals, freedom, private property, individualism, selfishness in the post. - Second World War. Mises and Hayek understand that the chaos installed in Europe by the two World Wars, the Russian revolution and the 1929 crisis, plus the rise of totalitarian regimes, impede and make any defense of the free market impossible. This is a lost cause in the warring Old World and the solution is to take the cult and praise of the free market, the cult of radical capitalism away from the European stage, to the Promised Land, the New Canaan of the New World, America today given the simple name: United States.
Mises and Hayek obtain unrestricted financial support, access to universities and media, and associate with "conservatives"5, highlighted by Milton Friedman, and found the Mont-Pèlerin society of global defense of the free market, private property, individualism, freedom and blah and also to the so-called libertarians, defenders of the same ideas. In America, they planted the flag and planted ideas and began to reap the rewards from the 1970s onwards. 1973 is the year that marks the beginning of the neoliberal movement, of neoliberal practices being put into effect in Chile and in the bloodthirsty dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. This entire world journey, very well articulated and conducted, from the United States and under the pretext of barring communism and state interventionism of any kind is told by Brian Dohert in Radicals for Capitalism. The way in which the new(?) neoliberal world order has imposed itself can be evaluated nation by nation in the so-called First World countries, in the underdeveloped and developing nations and in the new industrialized nations, the Asian tigers. But its developmental perfection is best understood in the Number One nation: The United States from the moment Ronald Reagan arrives at the White House. The Reagan era [1981-1989] or Reaganomics on the political-economic level is characterized by: deregulation of the economy; tax relief for large capitals and tax cuts for the rich; brutal cut in public social spending; increased defense spending, citing the famous four pillars of the plan:
“During the 1980 campaign, Ronald Reagan announced a recipe to fix the country's economic mess. He claimed that an undue tax burden, excessive government regulation and massive social spending programs hampered growth. taxes during the first three years of his presidency. The bulk of the cut would be concentrated in the upper income levels. The economic theory behind the wisdom of such a plan has been called SUPPLY SIDE ECONOMY or DRIP ECONOMY."6 Google translation
The Reagan era marks "The end of the American dream."7 What does any individual on planet Earth think about America, the United States of America? Without blinking and quickly the answers:
* They are the owners of the world,
* Freedom,
* Equality,
* Citizenship,
* Democracy,
* Opportunity to get rich by working hard (for any human being who ventures out legally or illegally),
* First World country, super developed,
*Innovation, progress, power, techno-scientific superiority, etc. and such.
All "paths lead to the United States of America"! To paraphrase the well-known maxim of the Roman Empire. Number One power and dream country! "In the United States there are values like democracy. In democracy, public opinion has some influence on politics. Then the government takes actions determined by the population. That's what democracy means." idem
And the return to the free market used, abused and defrauded the principles, foundations, rhetoric of American democracy for large corporations to take over, exploit and appropriate the State, the people; the wealth produced by concentrating them on a select group of rich and billionaires, promoting unemployment, poverty and misery. A brutal and unprecedented social-economic-political inequality in the superpower, enhanced and facilitated by techno-scientific innovations in the means of production, communication, information technology, transport that allowed the reduction of industrial plants, robotization and, above all, the relocation of industries internally and externally by changing the geography of commodity production, global precariousness of the world of work and capital flow.8
Concentration of wealth is the concentration of political power over the social body and is at the beginning of capitalism (transition from the feudal system to capitalism) and especially in the 18th and 19th centuries. This concentration of wealth and power becomes immeasurable in the 20th century with the crystallization of neoliberal practices as the dominant order: globalization of markets, end of socialism/real communism, overcoming productive capital by speculative finance capital and unveiling and exposing the end of the American dream and the myth of democracy.9 From the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, the veins of the United States were exposed and its territory too, and with the emergence and popularization of the web and social networks such as Twitter and Facebook, another history of America becomes known by anyone individual on the planet and not just in fiction! And now Joseph?10
FREE MARKET without restraints, gauges, harnesses, barriers, without government from the 1970s11 will lead to financial crises that squandered people's income and savings, promoted an absurd concentration of wealth and a huge abyss between poor and rich, increasingly richer investing in illegal schemes of dispossession and expropriation of citizens, now known as Mises defines them: consumers!12 Are the financial crises from the 1970s onwards crises inherent in the capitalist system or are they intentionally created by the owners of the world on Wall Street? Is capitalism for everyone or is it just for a few? If corporations took over the elections and with them the power to legislate on concentrating wealth only for a few rich people, 1% of the American population, is this DEMOCRACY? Is the state dominated by the rich 1% the problem?
The 2008 financial crisis left open the neoliberal farce about: freedom, democracy and attachment to the State. The American people hate the state, it is alienating indoctrination; but the rich 1% love and praise the daddy state, paternalistic state that saves the rich and fuck with the people! TO BIG TO FAIL! What country is this, USA, THAT RESCUES THE RICH WITH THE SWEAT, BLOOD, TEARS AND DISPOSSESSION OF ITS POPULATION?13
Yes, the State at the service of neoliberals, at the service of large companies, corporations, speculators all over the world IS THE PROBLEM! THE UNITED STATES HAS AN OWNER! The "social contract"14 where society hands over its political forces to the figure of the State to administer on behalf of all, that is, democratically, was torn, broken, shit and showed: more than conflict and contradiction, neoliberalism exposes what everyone is bald to know: there is a class war, the class of the rich versus the class of those who live from work15, that is, 99% of the population. And the 1% is winning!
This is where Donald Trump comes in! If all the bullshit myth of founding countries, freedom, equal opportunities, American dream, democracy and blah were worth anything in the United States, Trump would never be elected president of the power Number One. Trump is the tragicomedy of the apex of neoliberalism in the US: corruption and corrosion of the body politic that spreads throughout society. Since Trump, the curtains have come down for good, and with them all the myths of the founding of the nation: opportunity is opportunism; representative democracy is sham, false and corrupt; freedom to invest their own money is freedom goes anything for the rich 1%, whites, racists, misogynists, Glbtqia+phobics, xenophobics (especially for Mexicans, Asians (Chinese), Latinos (Central and South America) and other indigenous minorities; the state is a problem for social public spending with the class that makes a living from work and the State is a real daddy to save and maintain the neoliberal parasitism of the rich 1%. The US CIVILIZATION MISSION16 to the world is the greatest of all hoaxes and Donald Trump is the ultimate of the fib neoliberal.
1. DOHRETY, Brian. Radicals for Capitalism A freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Moviment. BBS Public Affairs. N.Y. e-book
2. MISES, L. Intervencionismo, uma análise econômica. (1940) e-book; Ação Humana: um tratado de economia. 1949. 31ª edição. ISBN 9788562816390/ e-book;
3. HAYEK, F. A. O caminho da servidão. 1944. e-book
4. BRAVERMAN. H. Trabalho e Capital Monopolista.Rio de Janeiro: editora Guanabara Koogan S.A, 1987.
5. GOLDWATER, Barry M. Conscience of a Conservative. Stellar Classics, 2013. e-book
7. CHOMSKY, Noam. O fim do sonho americano .
8. HARVEY, David. A condição pós-moderna. São Paulo: Edições Loyola, 1992.
9. Sobre o tema ler: HARVEY, David. O ENIGMA DO CAPITAL e as crises do capitalismo; FERGUNSON, Charles H. O SEQUESTRO DA AMÉRICA. Como as corporações financeiras corromperam os Estados Unidos. Rio de Janeiro: editora Zahar, 2013. E assista os documentários: A CORPORAÇÃO; INTERN JOB; O FIM DO SONHO AMERICANO; SAVING CAPITALISM. Disponíveis no Youtube e Netflix.
10. ANDRADE, Carlos Drumond DE. 100 POEMAS.Belo Horizonte: editora UFMG, 2002. P.114
11. HARVEY, David. O ENIGMA DO CAPITAL e as crises do capitalismo.
Apêndice 2
1970. Início dos certificados de valores mobiliários baseados em hipotecas.
1972. Abertura da Agência de Mercado de Moedas e Futuros de Chicago.
1973. Agência de Opções de Câmbio de Chicago; início do comércio sobre capitais futuros.
1975. Comércio em papéis do Tesouro dos EUA e ações de futuros baseadas em hipotecas.
1977. Comércio em ações de futuros do Tesouro.
1979. Comércio sem regulações e sem prestação de contas legais, especialmente nos futuros de moedas, torna-se prática comum. Surge o “sistema bancário às escuras”.
1980. Novos mecanismos para investimentos em derivativos vinculados a moedas estrangeiras, currency swap.
1981. Criação do seguro sobre portfólios; mecanismos para investimentos em derivativos vinculados a taxas de juros estrangeiras, interest rat swap; mercados de futuro em eurodólares, certificados de depósito e instrumentos do Tesouro.
1983. Mercados de opções em moedas, valores de ações e instrumentos do Tesouro; criação das obrigações de pagamento tendo propriedades como garantia.
1985. Aprofundamento e ampliação dos mercados de opções e futuros; início do comércio virtual e criação de modelos de mercados; criam-se estratégias de arbitragem estatística para derivativos.
1986. Unificação dos mercados de ações, opções e comercio de moedas globais, o Big bang.
1987-1988. Criação das Obrigações de Dívidas Colateralizadas (CDOs), assim como das Obrigações de Ação Colateralizadas (CBOs) e Obrigações de Hipoteca Colateralizadas (CMOs).
1989. Novos mecanismos para investimentos em futuros de taxas de juros.
1990. Criação de mecanismos para investimentos em insolvência no crédito e índices de ações.
1991. Aprovação de veículos de investimento “fora da contabilidade”, também conhecidos como entidades de interesse especial ou veículos de investimentos especiais.
1992-2009. Rápida evolução do volume do comércio por todos esses instrumentos. O volume desse comércio insignificante em 1990, chegou a mais de 600 trilhões de dólares por ano em 2008.
12. MISES. L. AÇÃO HUMANA. e-book
13. Sobre o massacre e roubo dos cidadãos e cidadãs estadunidense e o socorro do Estado aos ricos e especuladores que criam "criam" ou se aproveitam de crises ver: PRINCIPAIS CRISES E AJUDAS ESTATAIS A EMPRESAS, 1973-2009 e, HARVEY, David. O ENIGMA DO CAPITAL e as crises do capitalismo; Apêndice 1; FERGUNSON, Charles H. O SEQUESTRO DA AMÉRICA. Como as corporações financeiras corromperam os Estados Unidos. Rio de Janeiro: editora Zahar, 2013.
14.ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacque. O Contrato social. e-book
15. ANTUNES, Ricardo.
AMEND (14ª EMENDA). Documentário Netflix sobre a luta dos afro-americanos por direitos civis desde a abolição da escravidão.